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Monday, October 23, 2006

I'm tired. Really am.

Penned on: 10/23/2006 02:36:00 am

Friday, October 13, 2006

I heart CHOYA umeshu with soda on the rocks!

But it's not a good choice to drink when you're trying to do some work. Now i wanna sleeeeep. *blink*

Penned on: 10/13/2006 02:55:00 pm

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Two days ago, I got really riled up when I saw the sms my cousin forwarded me. She asked if he talked alot with my uncle. He said no, and she replied with that sms. Who the hell is she to judge all my other uncles and insinuate that they are not fillial, obedient or nice! I told him to just reply and tell her that I talk alot with my uncle and know ALOT. And she shld talk to me! And when she does, I will lace my words with so much venom that she will not talk to us ever again. Being his diplomatic self, he declined and said why even bother saving her that way.

Tears welled up as I read that sms over and over again. I tried holding it back since there were so many others in the class and I really did not want to break down for all to see. I packed up hastily and made my way down. i met huiling. I would have said hi, but I cldn't bear to lift up my face. So I just ignored her despite being inches apart. I ran into the ladies on the first floor, locked myself in a cubicle and started sobbing. I'm sure everyone else in there knew someone was crying but at least they didn't know its me. That day was the 21st day after his death. It felt like forever though it hasn't even been a month.. I wanted to take a cab down to the columbarium that instance. I wanted so much to see him. He would understand my tears and pain. But what difference would it make?

Penned on: 10/08/2006 01:18:00 pm

Friday, October 06, 2006

Feeling dark today, I wore black. But I had a sneaky feeling that it was a wrong choice. My intuition was right. I noticed some girls in class gossiping about me. And it was at that moment I realised that I wore something really similar during last week's class. The only difference was my top I think. Freak! Fashion taboo! Hate hate hate~

And now the stupid photobooth on my jamjam is spoilt AGAIN.
Why meeeeeeee~!

Penned on: 10/06/2006 09:22:00 am

Fucking irritated.
Bloody bitch.

Penned on: 10/06/2006 12:07:00 am

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

More Reasons to Hate School

I went to the IT helpdesk today asking for help to access the student n/w. Once again, those stupid pp tell me to use the guest n/w because they couldn't solve my problem. I already know their stupid operating procedure.

My Problem: Having problems accessing student n/w

Their "Solution"
1. Attempt to log-in (which obviously will fail cos thats why im there. tsk.)
2. Attempt to log-in a few more times.
3. Ask me to restart and re-login.
4. Ask if I have changed my password (for the umpteenth time, NO!)
5. Check if I was telling the truth by checking their database
6. Attempt to log-in a few more times.
7. Tell me they don't support mac &/or ask me to just use guest n/w

They are obviously NOT solving my problem! And you know whats even better? Those idiots attempted to smoke me! They asked me to go in and try accessing my web-based email to prove that my password is working.

type type type~
enter ~
login failed.

I tried many times but it refuses to log me in. They turned to me and said:
"See, something is wrong. your password has expired blah blah~"

I retorted:
"Impossible. I just logged in 15 mins ago in class and it was fine."

type type type~
enter ~
login still failed.

Continued trying~

"Don't need to try already. Cannot means cannot.. Let me do something"

And at that moment, i realised why. That freaking ass had clicked an option that LOCKS OUT MY ACCOUNT! I was so damn irritated! Of cos i wouldnt be able to login since you locked me out from the bloody n/w! But NEVER MIND. I acted like some stupid girl that knows nuts and let him do his stupid show.

"Ok, you need to type a new password."

type type type~
enter ~
stare at idiot.

"Ok now try logging in again."

type type type many times~
enter many times~

login failed every single time.
stare at idiot.

And guess what they told me next? Yes. Step 7. Tell me they don't support mac &/or ask me to just use guest n/w. I said that he did not solve my problem. AGAIN. I obviously know I can log into the guest n/w but what I want is to login to the student network. He keeps quiet, walk away, makes phone call to seek help.

Tell me why so many of them are on payroll when they cannot solve my problem! Telling me "we don't support mac" or "just use the guest n/w" shows how bloody responsible they are. And don't think all girls are IT-idiots, doing something so stupid like trying to fool me that there is something wrong with my password when it is in perfect working order.

It doesnt even take a bimbo to realise how screwed up they are. RARRRRRRR~

Penned on: 10/03/2006 10:11:00 pm

Monday, October 02, 2006

Do all of you know where I study? No? Let me tell you. Its Suck Money University.


The book you have borrowed was a Course Reserve (CR) book.
You borrowed it on the 29 Sept 2006 at 2.10pm and so the due time is at 4.11pm. However, you returned it late on that day.
According to the library record you returned it at 6.15pm.

Fyi, fines are charged at $3.00 per hour for overdue Course Reserve books.

Your fine was charged as follow :
4.11pm to 5.11pm = $3.00
5.11pm to 6.11pm = another $3.00
6.11pm to 6.15pm = another $3.00
Total fines incurred to you is $9.00

Li Ka Shing Library

I HATE school.

Penned on: 10/02/2006 11:37:00 am

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Delete delete delete~


Penned on: 10/01/2006 09:51:00 pm

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