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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Its been a whirlwind 5 days.
But its really over.

Emotions overwhelmed me as I watch them push him into the furnace. I could only look on helplessly as the gates closed on him. There was nothing I could do but to whisper sorry as tears continued to blur my vision.

There was one last step; to place his remains in the urn. My tears ran hard and fast when I saw the pack of bones. That was all that was left to the man we loved so dear. It felt like yesterday when he inculcatated the importance of finishing every grain of rice on my plate. We had to show our empty plates after meals to prove it. I remembered fondly how he taught me so many things in life.

It was painful to realise that he only had 5 bags of belongings in all. It hurts having to watch him being burnt as all of us looked on. It killed me when I had to pick up his bones and place them in urn that was to be his new home forever. How can someone so nice die so young and get so little in return for all the good that he has done this lifetime?

His skull had specks of pink and green all over that looked like little flowers. The lady said that he was special. The pink meant he was a demi-god and that the green was representative of an accolade called she4 li4 zi4. She told us that this was a good man and has done a lot of good in his life.

It sounds far-fetched, but I chose to be a believer. Because I have never known a man as kind as he is. And I know the other 7 felt the same. As i walked away from his new home, I could still see him smiling and calling me by my pet name, telling me not to cry. But reality really really hurts.

I miss you. I really do.

Penned on: 9/20/2006 08:00:00 pm

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I had an uneasy feeling last night. I thought it would be him and was petrified. My fears were realised. But on someone else. Someone extremely close to my heart.

I willed the car to move faster. I wanted so much to see him. Yet, I silently hoped that moment would never arrive. I could not bring myself to face reality. But my world came crashing down the moment I laid my eyes on that cold steel structure.

There he was. That familiar dashing face that i've grown to love since young. It was so surreal. Cause it seemed like he was finally happy. I wanted to reach out, touch his face and run my fingers through his hair. But I couldn't bring myself to. And all these while, I wished that screaming bitch would just drop dead and die.

They drove off with him, wrapped in plastic and exposed for the world to see. And it pains me to see all these happening to the finest gentleman I've ever known in my life. When I saw him again, he was forever out of reach. All I could do was gaze through the glass that would separate us forever. And at that moment, I regretted not holding him earlier when I could.


Why did u have to go? I didn't even get to say goodbye. I wanted so much to repay you for what you have done for me.. But I can't. Not anymore. There is so much more I want to tell you. But I will never get the chance to.. I miss you. Please come back. Please.

Penned on: 9/17/2006 12:30:00 am

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Farewell Dinner at Hao Zhou Dao for Ernsur (1st pic, back row, 3rd guy from the left) with my NPCC mates. Mr Engineer is leaving us for Dubai soon.

The porridge looks good right? Actually its not that fantastic cause you can't taste any porridge at all. It's basically the same as eating normal steamboat with soup base. But well the company made it fantastic!

What's a gathering without mahjong! Why all girls? Not that we were selfish. Its because the guys are upstairs having their male bonding session. Being a kpo, I opened the door to Aaron's room and saw a really funny sight.

All of them were seated in a circle on the floor with bottles and mugs everywhere. Many were half-naked and red-faced. Many seated like ah-peks and smoking away. But they were definitely happy cause they were all giggling and laughing so hard! (Well, the alcohol had a large part to play.. =X)

Another group pic with the people I loveee! Weee~ Sixteen of us turned up that day and there were a lot of rare peeps present as well! Uber fun and looking forward to more! Yay!

Penned on: 9/12/2006 10:39:00 pm

Thursday, September 07, 2006

My 25 minutes train ride home became a 1 hour disaster. RARRR! Breakdown of all days and time! When i was carrying hell lot of stuff! Pffftt!

I finally decided to tear the wrapper off Mr Wizard, a gift fr piggyweenie & goondugoo, and hang it on my bag. Let's see if it really works and lets me excel in school!

Im pissed at how much money is spent to beautify the place for that stupid meeting! Is there a need to plant SOOO MUCH flowers, re-pave roads blah blah blah to leave a fake impression? Tsk.

This is what a green shorts secondary school boy did when I faciliated their java/robocode class. Ask them to add a FEW robots to test and this smart alec added 256 robots. *roll eyes*

In more happy news, I chanced upon this nice cafe, Fringe, at Bukit Timah Plaza. I heart! Now to vent my anger on food. *poof*

Penned on: 9/07/2006 08:49:00 pm

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I actually do like CAT class. However, formatting the xls sheet is REALLY a bitch. rarrrr~

Penned on: 9/03/2006 03:06:00 pm

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