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Saturday, August 26, 2006

It's here. *grin*

Penned on: 8/26/2006 12:33:00 am

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

And so school has started. And a very bored Frank took this pic to start off my term. *sigh* Guess what it is? School has been ok so far. Tho I definitely do not like the influx of students thats taking up all the space! But if all else fails, there's always TCC. Muahaha!

Didn't do much in school today but i feel so so drained. Not a good sign at all. How to survive thru the sem?!! Tsk tsk.

And I like this sooo much! It's a dispenser with a capacity that matches 8 glasses of water. So cute right? I might buy it on impulse.. But then again, i'll rather put that money towards my new toy's accessories. Can't wait for it to come! *blink*

Penned on: 8/22/2006 10:47:00 pm

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Look how cute the packaging for Blu-Tack is!

Been very sick the past week. Bed ridden for half the week and constant abdominal pain. Glad its over... School is starting soon. It's gonna be a really hectic sem. I already feel like escaping before it starts. It's going to be my third year there and a lot of things have happened in the last 2 years. Chapters that ended. New ones that begun. And some still waiting for an ending to be written.

I'm not that old.. But i feel like i've had enough of life already. Today, there was a moment i felt like eating all 60 painkillers on my table cos my head wldn't stop hurting. Of cos I didnt. But I wished i was that irrational some times.. Cos there is no meaning to a life full of pain and anguish. Life should always be colourful and happy. But in reality, we all know that it is not possible. There will always be ups and downs. But my life seems to have a knack for finding all the downs.

Drained by this.
Hurt by this.
Sick of that.
Irritated by that.
Pissed with you.
Extremely weary of them.

I've really had enough. If only things can go back to when I was happy and felt life was indeed beautiful. Maybe then I could truly smile and say i'm really ok.

Penned on: 8/13/2006 08:38:00 pm

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Peachies fr land of the rising sun! Its so huge and pretti that i cldnt resist eating them! *slurp*

Today I celebrated Friendship Day with my friends! We set it to be 13 Feb of each year.. But well, we are erm 5 mths late! This was the present from Piggy! She made this notebook from the cover design to the package! Very nice rite? I love it! Anyone wanna buy? Hee!

Penned on: 8/05/2006 07:48:00 pm

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Say hello to Ruby Red! Weee~ I'm still missing u Mr Peppar!

And I actually miss my motorola.. *sob*

Penned on: 8/01/2006 12:19:00 am

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