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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Aren't these shoes from Keds so so cute! Cutsie cherries and pineapples on my feet! I wanttt!

Yes yes, I've neglected my blog as usual. But well, I had nothing to blog. FIne I am lazy lah! Ok, some pictorial updates..

Xtina's Birthday Party! It should be obvious that the theme is black. But those 3 guys that just came fr watching soccer obviously didn't match it. Tsk tsk. I like the wannabe angels shot. But i look short and really lacking of an appropriate angel attitude. Bah!

Franky Frank's Birthday at Day Bed Bar! Ok, only 2 pics cos I haven't got the rest of them yet. Check out Frank's sensual picture! Muahaha! All our group pics are with Anna i think.. I loved the part when they played a birthday song as i walked over to the table with his cake. Hahaha! Fantastic timing! Its a nice chill out place with decent food and no crowd! Let's go again! But then I'm yearning for a Morton's Chocolate Martini.. OoOoHhh...

Brekkies with my GJC ex-colleagues! I love and so miss the happy times we had.. And of cos sitting right smack in the centre is my all-time favourite boss! I derive joy from making him go "ji dan"! Muahaha! As you can see, i could barely open my eyes since they ALWAYS opt for breakfast at 9am! I I don't even wake up till 11am these days! Sigh..

Spent a few days working at a trade show last week. Nothing much to see except for the fancy mobile phones. But had loads of fun with the girls!

Chit chatting..

Gossiping and laughing..

And photo whoring in the ladies! Muahaha! We were extremely tardy.. Like about an hour late daily! =X And seriously, I do feel bad about it. But I guess we sorta redeemed ourselves by working hard once we start. I mean I think we definitely did well since so many other companies wanna poach us. And we definitely got a lot of attention with our bright attires which changes everyday since we cut em up and change the style daily! Haha! Happy happy times with the girls. Yay!

My heart melted when I saw the D&G V3. So so pretti! But I truly think Motorola needs a better looking interface and predictive text messaging. Even tho I've changed my phone, my heart definitely lies with Motorola.

And seriously, Docomo is like the ultimate mobile phone brand man! Their inventions win any of the latest phones in the market hands down! They have fantastic interface! The pink phone's menu even had shadows running up and down the menu! I was sold the moment I saw it! The blue phone's cover is a touch screen MP3 player. That kicks LG chocolate's ass cause they use heat activation which will not work if your phone is warmed up!

Biometric recognition. Fingerprint? Done before. Face? They have it too! The green phone scans your face for matching outline and features before you can use it! Is that cool or what! It also has a fantastic shopping function! I could take a picture of someone's shoes that I like, upload it and they will return me the webpage where I can buy that same shoe from! Wooo~! Sadly, their phones can only be used with japanese sim-cards. Darn.

Penned on: 6/27/2006 02:21:00 pm

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

ziwei --


Sexually stunning

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

I wish. *roll eyes*

Penned on: 6/06/2006 02:36:00 pm

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