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Friday, May 26, 2006

According to the government version, only 5 people have died, and 75 wounded. According to the petitioners/demonstrators version, 67 people have been killed by, possibly a hundred. In my previous e-mail, I only reported the 8,000 IDPs in Don Bosco, who refuse to go home despite a press release from Ramos-Horta that everything is now “normal, and under control.” On the contrary. A UN Adviser to the government called me yesterday saying that things are exactly the opposite: nothing is “under control”. Civil servants have stopped going to work — they have all fled to the districts to seek refuge. Only the international advisers are still going to their offices. So how could things be “under control” if offices are empty? Dili is very quiet — it is almost empty of population. Restaurants are telling their clients to hurry up eating, they want to close early at night.

Although it does not seem as bad as 1999, the fighting in Timor Leste now saddens me. It started in Taci Tolu and involves a couple of other places that i've been to and have fond memories of. The image i formed as i read news reports now is a stark contrast to what i remembered those places to be.

That afternoon was surprisingly windy instead of the usual beating sun. The peaceful roads as i sat in the back of the little suv gazing at the beautiful sea on my right before the teacher drove inwards to the beach at Taci Tolu. She had brought us here to snorkel when she found out a couple of us were really interested. We parked and i had one of my happiest days in Timor.

I kept jumping and screaming in the water since i cant swim for nuts and julian keeps threatening to abandon me. But i promptly abandoned him once i got the noodle float! Wahaha! I went off on my own to discover rows and rows of beautiful corals and fishes. I would have gone further if the teacher hadn't warned me that the current gets really strong at the end. Only strong swimmers shld venture there and she herself has been swept away many times.

And this unrest had been going on for more than a month before I saw it on tv today. Palácio do Governo building, Comoro and of course Taci Tolu. The last 2 places are actually where really poor timorese stay and where the bulk of the action is together with Taibessi. Even the ship, Central Maritime Hotel, sailed off to take cover since it was right in front of the Palácio do Governo building. Imagine staying in a house with thugs holdings guns and hand grenades walking down the streets. The next house that they torch could be yours. The next burnt body could be your loved one or even you.

President Xanana Gusmao said he had cancelled plans to travel to China on Sunday, in part due to the unrest. "The president has cancelled his trip to China because he is sick and because of the situation in this country," Agio Pereira, Gusmao's chief of staff, said.

See how much the freaking president cares. Tsk.

Penned on: 5/26/2006 07:14:00 pm

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

XXX Business School has a new range of ads. I do like the one with the brothers. However, the angmoh one is just lame.

Mum: "You know they don't have chewing gums there. And the guys there are too cute for my liking."
Girl: "Mummmmmm!!!"

Just kill me. The ads were looking tasteful and nice till i heard that last line. Why oh why? I'm sure they have more to sell then just their 'cute guys' rite??! Sigh.

Penned on: 5/24/2006 10:51:00 pm

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

This I have.


Penned on: 5/23/2006 05:37:00 pm

Friday, May 19, 2006

Just got hm from the movies. Yesh.. I just watched the highly anticipated Da Vinci Code. On opening day no less. Wahaha!

I have to say it is pretty darn good. But it may be because I have no or low expectations since I haven't read the book. *yah laugh all u want, im a mountain turtle* But my dear friends that watched with me said that it follows the book pretty closely. So it is def a show worth watching.

That guy really deserves to earn the disgusting amount of money man cos he is really good. Time for my mask.

Penned on: 5/19/2006 02:53:00 am

Friday, May 05, 2006

My wheel of Epoisses de Bourgogne is spoilt and i have to throw it away without eating it! Dammit! My heart is bleeding right now. *sobs*

Im on a mission to clean my room right now. I've started with accessories and it took me the quite a while even tho i hv so little stuff. Wait till i start on my clothes. Sheez.

Penned on: 5/05/2006 12:18:00 am

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I did well in subjects i expected to do badly.
But i did badly for subjects i expected to do well.
Yeah my gpa didnt drop. But im not happy.

I wanted to change my blogskin. Spent about two hours searching for one but to no avail. I still like this one. Simple and nice. Maybe I should make one. Wait till i'm truly bored to the bones.

I gotta clean my room. It currently looks like a hotel room of a shopaholic. Paperbags, shoes, clothes, luggage and etc strewn all around. It has to be done cos i can no longer find my clothes in my tiny room. Will start thrashing things. Prob start with jeans. I have like about 25-30 pairs? But i only wear 5 max. Shoes. I need new shoes. Need to bring some to cobbler since the little heel ends have worn out.

And i should resolve to sort out the box of nepal and india pics. Yes, a BOX full of pics since 1998? Goodness. I need to sort out my accessories too. Not much but too messy to find anything. Tsk.

Today is a horrible day. My eyes are hurting and so is my head. Where are you happiness? I need you right now.

Penned on: 5/03/2006 08:33:00 pm

When i'm not confident, it turns out bad.
When i'm confident, it still turns out bad.

Yet another expensive lesson.
Yet another embarrassing meeting.

It hurts knowing im the weakest link.
But fuck. Reality hurts. It always does.

I need a freaking drink right now.
Martinis & margaritas. Bring it on.

Penned on: 5/03/2006 05:56:00 pm

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