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Friday, March 31, 2006

Battle of the bakeries! Swissbake vs Breadtalk. Check out my group's atas look! =X

And we look absolutely fantabulous here! Somehow we are glowing.. Hmm.. Well this is the last presentation of the term and I really enjoyed SBM and liked everyone in it. Much much better than last sem's competitive & wannabe peeps. But still got 2 reports and 3 exams! Eek! Time for some sleep. *ZzZzzz*

Penned on: 3/31/2006 02:31:00 pm

Thursday, March 23, 2006

OH MY GOD. I gave a little scream like some college sorority girl or *insert some noisy girl school* student. But I am truly truly happy!


Your gave a one-woman show today that oozed confidence and slickness. You put together a presentation that featured eye-catching pictures and clear slides, and you really seem to know your topic inside out. Nonetheless, you made a comparison between Cosplay and Gothic culture but didn't explore this very interesting avenue further. Perhaps, you would want to elaborate on it in your final report.

Well done!

I'm so happy that I can't stop grinning. *giggles* Yay! Nonetheless, 20% down 30% more to go!But then that means I need to do more research since that is what he is looking for. Shits. Well, worry about that during the weekend or something. Right now, i got loads of other stuff to worry about. SBM! I really wanna do well in this too! Stats, just let me pass! Wheee~

Happy happy happy! Lalala! *grin*

Penned on: 3/23/2006 11:04:00 am

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Everything started on the wrong foot today.

Panic bell 1:
Opened my eyes and saw a really well lit room.
My 730am alarm had sounded.
Im supposed to be in sch at 830am.

Panic bell 2:
Took a quick bath and glanced at the time.
Its not 730am like I assumed. Its 850am.
I have a presentation today & im late.

Panic bell 3:
The rash like stuff has been on my face for days.
It's all over my body today.
Thank god I'm wearing long sleeves & pants.

Panic bell 4:
Very very late for class but made it b4 my turn.
The other cosplay group came dressed in costume.
Definitely in panic mode.
Confidence level: 30%

But everything took a turn for the better after they went through 2 slides. Cause my worries were unfounded. Current confidence level: 70%

Had only ten minutes to present. Literally rushing though every single thing. No Q & A for me either since there was another group to present and there is just 20 mins left. Went back to my seat a little disappointed cause I felt it was not enough. Q&A could have shown them how well I knew my work.

Took my seat and a huge breath. And many nice comments started coming in. Esther dropped me a note. Kangming gave me a pat on my back. Xiaolin was beaming and giving the thumbs up. Even the girl behind me whom I barely knew gave me a tap and told me I did well. Etc etc... It was an awkward feeling cause I didn't know where all these came from. Some of them knew what happen. But I'm sure not so many of them right? But I have to admit, it felt great and settled my mind a little.

Thank you everyone. I really really appreciate the smiles and support. *muacks*

Penned on: 3/21/2006 03:28:00 pm

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Was suddenly reminded of a video I watched a few years ago and wanted to share with you guys. It's a really sad story but I really love this video.

Penned on: 3/18/2006 02:39:00 pm

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Very huge tweety bird head! Wahaha! Taken with Teri's new toy while I was waiting for her to knock off on *insert some day*. Yes, I've been really really busy..

I seem to say this every sem but this sem is truly the killer semester. Its the end of Week 10 already. Meaning three more weeks of school before exams. And I still have 2 projects that I've barely started. 1 is due in Week 12, the other in Week 13. And both of them require HUGE amount of work. I am so freaking screwed. I truly do not understand why I am so behind in my work even tho I do not have much of a social life. Anyone who thinks undergraduate life here is a breeze bcos of all our ra ra marketing will be in for a huge surprise.

I am so so glad we decided to talk through our MPW project again with the prof today. The externality from the time spent was soooo worth it! Woohoo! No use saving those few hours studying stats since I will do badly for the mid term this sat even if i studied for it. =X

And I seriously need to stay away from chocolates. I've been eating so much that I keep falling sick. Rather, I just cldn't recover since it started a mth ago cos I kept eating chocolates. So Nic.. STOP asking me to eat the cheese fondue!!!Wahaha! I tell you guys, I've been feeling fat for like the longest period of time but refuse to do anything abt it. But it finally hit me on Tuesday man.

Went for a photoshoot that day for some sch stuff. 5 girls 2 guys. Out of the 5 girls. Only one was taller than me. However, ALL of them were skinny toothpicks! I was the only Size M girl there. And everyone was a size S or XS. Just kill me la. Luckily we were asked to bring out own clothes.. Else I seriously think I wld bust the seams of their stuff since I cant fit anything there! I truly felt like I was a XXXL lah! I hope really really hard that the pics wld turn out fine.. But guess what? Gonna do a reshoot on sat. What if it was all bcos of meeee?? Wah! I will just die I tell u.

Miss Hsu. We shld hv NEVER EVER stopped dieting. Let's just become anorexic or something.

Yeah right. =X

Penned on: 3/09/2006 11:01:00 pm

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