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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Woohoo! My life is so so happening these days. Thats why I seldom update my blog..

Mon - Sch
Tue - Sch
Wed - Sch
Thu - Sch
Fri - Sch
Sat - Sch
Sun - Sch

I love it! My ass. So many many things to do, so little time. I wanna go to Krabi too! *roll eyes* And i realised i got mid-terms! BAHH! It doesnt help that im very sick now. According to my friends, i reached my genkai alrdy. If its true, then i am damn weak lah!

I dont understand how i can be listening in class, yet not remembering the prof did go through those slides. I always do this... Pay attn but not paying attn. Listen but not listening. Pi!!!!!

And guess what, I have a date on Valentines Day. Yippee! Its me and Ross, Westerfield and Jaffe. It will be so romantic. There will be calculators, papers and formulas. They will spend that special night in my arms till the Finance mid term at 12 the following day. How lovely. Their present to me? It had better be a fantastic B. Nothing less!

And Miss Hsu, we did not win anything at TOTO. The nearest we had was 3 numbers. There goes our 10 million dream. *poof*

Penned on: 2/11/2006 11:12:00 am

This is my 1 year old niece. So cute right! Can u see the drop of tear glinting at her left eye?

Me and her.. Lalala! Can see how many million shades darker I am compared to her. =X

And I call this an arty skinny shot of me! Wahaha! Taken during grand opening by Danny.. I like.. Woohoo!

Penned on: 2/11/2006 11:06:00 am

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