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Saturday, November 26, 2005

AARRGGH! Fucking fed-up!
Blooming fishmongers!

I've been trying to refrain myself from scolding the F word cos its so not ladylike.. But it seems inevitable isnt it.. things just come one after another. Stabbing u right in the wound as u try to recover. fuck.

It sounds weird.. But i miss crying at fullerton hamtaro.. of cos, i miss all the great times and memories there too. But right now, i just feel like crying there. dammit.

And yes im fine. Dont worry. Just freaking pissed right now.

Penned on: 11/26/2005 10:23:00 pm

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

+ Note: ranting post. prob better to ignore. +

Its probably the first time im so affected by my grades in uni.
I'm so bloody upset with myself.

I could have tried harder.
I could have spoke more.
I could have done better.

Its not like i didnt know the answers. I knew them. I prepared for classes. I read the bloody book. But i just can't bring myself to fight for airtime with the finger-woman, 10-billion-dollars, you-know-what-i-mean, i-tink-blahblah. He mentioned i participated frequently at some point. Thus, I started refraining myself from speaking for some time with good intentions. I didnt want to hog airtime nor points. It was done with sincere concern for many others that i've noticed wld need the points.

But guess what. I'm the one that needs the points.
Bottom tier of participation. 5 marks.
5 pathetic marks for a component that makes up 40% of my module.

How could it be possible for him to remember me and praised me for participating actively then when records showed i chalked only 5 points the whole bloody sem? How is this possible? It made no sense to me.

Am i affected? Yes.
Am i upset? Yes.
Am i angry? Yes.

Yeah its just one subject.
Just do better next time.
Nothing you can do about it.
You did well for the rest.

I dont freaking care! I am relatively easy going. But there are some things that are important to me.

The post A level period. Seeing every single person in my class move on to uni except me. Retook it but copied one bloody exam date wrongly. The pain i went through. I cried myself to sleep. I avoided class gatherings. I avoided my teachers. I avoided friends. Nobody knew how hurt i felt. Nobody realised how unwilling i was to say im in poly. Nobody realised how much i hated them saying "wah! still studying ah!" Others used this to attack me calling me useless and stupid when they lose an argument. Yeah yeah.. it doesnt matter cos i still got to uni.. It doesnt matter what pp say! I've been through that pain and anguish. The damage was done and over. But it always be a regret and sore point. Always.

It happened with literature.
It happened with A levels.
And it is happening for my major.

Whoever said that one can't go any lower when he is at the pits? Pure bullshit. Yeah.. i'm making a huge fuss out of a molehill. Whatever. I know its just one freaking module. I know i did quite well for the other subjects so far. But i dun freaking give a damn about all of them! Except 101 to some extent.. Im ranting cos i cant blame anyone but myself. Im pissed at myself. It happened cos i failed myself. So naive and so bloody stupid.

What i learnt in class today:
If you don't communicate, someone else will do it for you.

How freaking apt and right.
But i learnt it forteen weeks too late.

I hate this feeling. Hate it hate it hate it.

Penned on: 11/23/2005 10:53:00 pm

Friday, November 18, 2005

Today is supposed to be the last day of school. However, i still hv a million things to do!

19 - 2 x make-up class
21 - mock interview
23 - comms class n case study due, mkting report due
24 - ft class and 3 shitty ft nonsense due
27 - sph drive-around treasure hunt *yipee*
28 - comms case study n research due
29 - 1st paper
30 - last paper

End of term? NOOOO!

5 - ft formal dining
6 - happi happi day *yay*

Speaking of mkting.. I hope all the ah bu nehs will dieee! They were obviously fluffing and smoking thru everything and yet they got FULL MARKS for the presentation like my group! *ROAR*

ah bu nehs - spent 1 night max (note: the night b4 presentation)
my group - many many hours and nights (note: till 4AM!)

Tmd... Super duper pek chek! And that stupid shit that said marketing is so not worth it! I tell u, i wld so love to get an A+ and throw it in yr face! But then.. he is prob getting an A+ since he 'participates' every other slide in class! GRRR!! I tink i shall ask nicholas to kill them.. No, he is too soft hearted. Aldric is better. Ruthless. Yes! *snigger*

*wring his neck*
*kick their butts*
*poke their eyes*

Irritated to the max!!!

To my bestest friends... U all better go out with me on the 6th.... Or else.. it will really be the end of our friendship. Dodomelodybird.. I will not fly you to maldives for my wedding. Goondugoo.. i will never be your bed partner again.. Piggieweenie.. erm, u dont need me. Muahahaa!

Aargh! Back to work! *chant: we must get A for mkting*

Penned on: 11/18/2005 06:07:00 pm

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Irritated like shit.
Pissed like hell.
Answer properly dammit.
Address the prob.
Dun act blur.
Dun just practice dumping.

Penned on: 11/08/2005 07:59:00 pm

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