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Saturday, October 22, 2005

Alrighty. No more anger. Happy thots.. Happy things..

Relatively new room colour. Still like it so far.
Brazilian. I like but am feeling the after effects!!
New furniture. Brighter but still messy.
New clothes. Great buys! Yes!
New shoes. On the way.. =P
Midterm results. Good till BP comes.. *gulp*
Sports fiesta. Disappointment.
Foot massage. Good but pain to the max!
Models & breasts. HE ripped me off! Hurnh!
Dinner tonight. Yummilicious.
Dessert. Sinful but i like..

Need monetary donations.
Too many bdaes coming up.
How to buy so many pressies!
Die die die...

Sick of my clothes.
Sick of my shoes.
Sick of accessories.
Feel like thrashing everything.
Want new everything! Muahaha!
Sugar mommy/daddy.. WRU??

Body fat index. Dun even wanna kw.
Jeans. Damn tight. Cant breathe.
Tummy. Pooh bear pooh bear!
Thighs. I see honey combs.. Yuck!
Arms. Jello wello... Dbl yucks!

Penned on: 10/22/2005 12:31:00 am

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Alot of anger and emotions recently but i cant help it if these shit keep falling on me. So ignore me if you wish cos i NEED to rant. Word of caution: serious use of F words. So skip/exit if you don't wish to read it.

DONT wear MY SHOES & CLAIM that i GAVE them to you.
DONT spoil MY SHOES & insist it WASNT SPOILT when u wore it!
These things are NOT FUCKING YOURS!

FUCK! I was this close to slapping the brains out of your fucking nonchalant face! I shld have known better and NEVER agreed to lend you anymore stuff! Cos YOU NEVER FUCKING LEARN! But noooo! I had to be an idiot and give in! FUCK!

Why cant you just own up you fucking shit! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING MANNERS AND SPOILT MY FUCKING GORGEOUS SHOES!!!!! NOTHING gets me more angry than having pp use my stuff without asking. Acting blur, and even worse, spoiling them, sure as hell sends me through the fucking roof! Dont fucking act as if you're not in the wrong and give me that fuck face! You know you did it but you have no fucking guts to admit it!


Penned on: 10/18/2005 12:27:00 am

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Fuck. This isnt right. Not at all. AARGH!

Penned on: 10/15/2005 12:59:00 am

Monday, October 10, 2005

The fans hummed softly.
Occasional trolley wheels sounded the corridor.

He was cold to the touch.
But she beamed, saying “He opened his eyes many times today!”

They came for their rounds.
Emerging minutes later and smiles wiped off their faces.

There was a flurry of trolleys.
More people and equipment darted in but never came out.

I felt cold stark fear in my heart.
Three cursed words and a hush confirmed that chill in me.

She couldn’t face the truth.
He held her tightly in his arms while holding back his tears.

I had to be the one.
But I choked on my words and they hung up knowing what it was.

I watched from afar.
Watching them huddle, weeping and beyond consolation.

I turned away as tears fell.
Wiping my tear soiled face and asking myself “Why…”

Their emotions rose to its peak.
Yet they persisted with their work ignoring the sorrow around them.

I stared at each of them.
Cursing under my breath asking if they were heartless or just desensitized.

Yet the fans still hummed softly.
And it wasn't long before trolley wheels sounded the corridor once again.

Penned on: 10/10/2005 05:33:00 pm

Friday, October 07, 2005

Mid terms are over mid terms are over! Yipee Yipee yay!
But projects are piling & deadlines drawing near. *sob*

And i need to diet. I told miss goo last night that i shld go jogging this morning. But, as usual, i decided that lying in bed and munching on Bee-Bee snack is better. So much for getting trim. =X

Ooh! And i found this MTV video about poverty in Africa which i thought was very meaningful.

Penned on: 10/07/2005 11:00:00 am

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I was studying really hard for my mid terms tmr.. And daddy came into my room to disturb meeee! He started asking me what he claims are "common sense questions".

Dad: I ask u.. Why is bai kai shui (plain water) bai se (white color)?
Me: Its not bai se in the first place lor!
*after i ignore him for some time*
Dad: If bai kai shui is not bai se then it wont be called bai kai shui.
Me: T_T
Dad: It wld be called hong kai shui (red water) blah blah blah..
Me: *still insistent* BAI KAI SHUI is NOT BAI SE!!!!!
Dad: *lies on my bed and laugh*

Dad: Aiya.. U study for what? Keng shu (literally: eat book) no use one!
Me: *ignore & read econs stuff aloud*
Dad: Cos yr ABCs will come out after u shit! Must keep them in brain.. not stomach.
Me: Who said wo zai keng shu!! *trying hard to not laugh*
Dad: *happy tt i tink its funny* Study so much but dunno something so simple.
Me: Kao! No link one lor!
Dad: U go ask yr profs! If they cant ans, ask them go hm geng tian (be a farmer)!

Dad: Ask u another simple qn..
Me: Dont know.
Dad: One chicken one duck, which one starts the conversation first.
Me: *i kw the ans but i refuse to ans* Dont bother me with stupid qns! *roll eyes*
Dad: You dunno rite! Ask yr friends who are online lor! Hahaha! *smug look*
Me: Dunno la!
Dad: Of cos its the chicken! Cos its ji tong ya jiang! Where got ya tong ji jiang one! Haha!
Me: 0_o I kw its this lame ans but i dun want to say only lor!

Dad: ask u another one......
Dad: why is it blah blah blah...
Me: i dunno i dunno i dunno!
Dad: U kw one! Say lah! Dont later tell me u kw but didnt say it..
Me: *speechless*

Penned on: 10/04/2005 09:42:00 pm

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Got these photos off CNA webbie.. I know its amazing that im blogging AGAIN but im so super damn pissed now. The freaking terrorist bombed Bali again! DAMMIT! Wtf is wrong with them?

I really dun understand how killing pp will prove whatever shitty point or let them get 10 wives in heaven! Like you can get to enjoy that 10 wives! Your hands wld be full handling the quarrels and conflicts lah you idiots!

The above pic is of one of the ruined restaurants.. The first blast was at Raja restaurant in the Kuta district.. Thats where ground zero is.. But i seriously don't remember where this restaurant is. Don't rem seeing it.. And another two explosions followed minutes later at a pair of beachfront restaurants in Jimbaran.

One of the lucky pp that got medical attn..

People helping out after the blast.

List of dead victims.

These bloody bombers have NEVER thought about what wld happen to these pp's family im sure. They are just so damn blinded by that shit religion and nonsense in their pea brain! I can't imagine how devastated i wld be if anyone i knew was killed.. And im truely glad that everyone i know is safe and sound..

Seriously, i hope the bombers will rot and die.

Penned on: 10/02/2005 07:33:00 pm

Yes, i went to a wedding but this is not the wedding car! =P

The Happy Couple

So handsome & Andy Lau-ish right? Wahaha!

Mr and Mrs Lau

Pre-Dinner Preparations

Not just for the groom but for ME too since im the *ahem* emcee that is speaking in MANDARIN! Wah, my paper was full of chinese words mixed with hanyu pinyin and some english words too! ROJAK! *faint*

Me and my so-not-underground lover. He is my future money pillar! Woohoo! But seriously, i really love him and he is a great great buddy. Its our 14th year of friendship and counting. Since primary school baby! =)

My NPCC friends. All of us were from the same batch with the exception of three. The girl in tweed jacket (also fr NPCC but one year our junior), the one with a nice necklace & the guy in dark blue (also NPCC but 2 years our senior).

The 10 brothers + 2 others. Should have made the ten of them take a pic similar to the one i took for them on the day we ORD. Cld have seen the change in everyone and bring back lots of memories right? But then again, i can't rem the order they sat on the steps that day.. Nine years ago leh! How to rem?!

12 years of friendship and counting. At least 4 of us from the same batch (or are there more that i didnt know of?) have gotten married. Some for better some for worse. But those 4 years in NPCC have really bonded us.

I'm really grateful for all those times we have spent together. Marching under the freaking sun for hours on end, having them fart while we are in 'sedia' position, visited by police when we stayed over the night before our camp because they saw TWO bobbing heads from afar (not ghost, it belonged to 2 of us), water parades, changing parades, camps after camps, punishments after punishments and so much more.

Those times were not exactly easy but they made all the difference and gave me a wonderful secondary school life. People say NPCC is stupid, noisy blah blah blah. Screw them all. Cos what i got out of those 4 years are priceless memories and true friends for keeps. Outsiders or pp who have not been in a close knit or uniform group will never understand..

To Weilin: U will not read this of cos.. Wahaha! My happy go lucky, big sized but baby faced Da Ge. I rem u nearly fought with some idiots that cursed NPCC from outside our school gates as our activities were running on. Well, you told us to ignore and not get upset but many years later i found out that you actually confronted them. Tsk tsk.

Anyway, you brought me loads of laughter and happy memories.. And I am truely happy that you have found yr life partner. I wish both of you everlasting happiness and hope to see little ones as cute as u soon!

Till the next wedding bells! =)

Penned on: 10/02/2005 10:05:00 am

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