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Monday, September 19, 2005

I've not mentioned this but i have a pretty cute prof this sem. Not as in good looking cute, but cute cute. He came to class on Day 1 dressed in:

- Black cap
- Tinted shades
- Sleeveless black muscle tee
- Tapered jeans

Well, he pretty much dresses like this every week actually. His reason for wearing shades? The sunlight fr the drop down windows is too glaring. Haha! The week before, he came in a grey s/s shirt. Imagine my shock when i walked in and realised he changed into a black muscle tee after our break. Last week i asked him how long our break is. He gave me a quizzical look and said:

Well, the break is abt 15-20 mins. But when i say that, people always take half an hour. So.... 20 mins. *smiles*

So that meant the break was half hour long. This morning i received an email from him:

Hello All,

The lecture note for this week has been just completed. I don't think you will have enough time to check Vista and print it (particularly for Tuesday class). So, I'm emailing it to you. Please forgive me for creating another spam...

Good day!

Well, i dun really understand why he thinks we will have no time to check Vista but have time to check email. *scratch head* And its mon noon only.. Even the tuesday class will have.. 24 hrs or so to print the notes isnt it? BUT i do like him. He is really nice and entertaining for that matter. Oh and he has a 'lesson' for us every week. Two weeks ago he said:

If there is one thing i can teach you as a teacher, that would be life is unfair.

I totally agree. Ha.

Penned on: 9/19/2005 12:02:00 pm

Friday, September 16, 2005

That bloody ah bu neh neh on the mrt definitely took a pic of me! I heard that "ke chic" sound lah! Wo ren!! We sat down and were chatting away. The same bloody ah bu neh sat ON MY SKIRT! My gorgeous frilly skirt! I moved it out from his skanky butt but kept moving closer and sat on it AGAIN!!! *ROAR ROAR ROAR* I was about to start a downpour of f-words and shout my voice hoarse at him. But i decided not to cos i realised he is a bloody foreign worker and i wld be wasting all my breath on him since he prob cant understand whatever i was abt scream at him! OOF! *pulling hair*

Disclaimer:Im not a racist but certain things like TAKING MY PIC IN MY FACE UNINVITED just irritates the shit out of me.

AaRgH!! SCREW HIM!!! Grrr!!!

Penned on: 9/16/2005 01:24:00 am

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Bloody hell. So damn busy. Why oh why~? Doggie, i wanna join you in Mumbai! I've not even started doing my readings diligently and i feel like im t*m*d* busy. *roar* The worst was rushing to sch on wed for my 830 class only to realise there is NO CLASS that freaking day! Basket! Total dumb dumb!

Lots of catching up with people these days. People that were out of my life for months and even years reappeared. People that drew distant came close again. Lots of emotions but even more memories.

Many of my friends are feeling sad too. Family problems are usually not beyond your control. All you can do is contribute to the best of your ability and hope for the best. Relationship problems are always complex and never straightforward. You will feel lost and ask many many people what to do. You can listen and consider but i always believe one should ultimately follow the heart.

It might be happily ever after or you might just trip and fall really hard. No one knows if the path you choose will be the best or the right way. But what you do know is that you have tried and will not have to ask yourself "what if.." down the road.

For everything else, there is always food and shopping. But if those fail too, I will always be there to offer a listening ear or a shoulder for you to cry on. =)

Penned on: 9/08/2005 11:50:00 pm

Friday, September 02, 2005

Am watching Extreme Makeover again and i felt really pumped up to lose weight and look fab. So i picked up my bottle to get lots of water and thinking "I will lose weight". When i opened that fridge, tiramisu was looking me right in the face.

And yeah, im eating a big slice of tiramisu now. Tsk. Hammie, ur right.. I will never diet lor. Im such a joke. Hahaa! *shakes head*

Penned on: 9/02/2005 10:37:00 pm

I NEED these! So so gorgeous! How can i not have them? Please let it drop on my lap tmr or something! I NEED NEED NEED it! Wahaha!

Penned on: 9/02/2005 03:22:00 am

2nd week of school. But it will never be sunday in school. TONS of reading and i literally meant it! But i'm never a mugger. Always a procrastinator. There is always tmr to read.

Bullshit. I'm feeling screwed. AaRgH!

I got my locker but its at the bloody last row! Crap! No offence but they shld offer the last row to shorter pp rite? Basket.. So damn unglam to squat and peer at the locker for the whole world to see! Ok, i'm just whining.


I didn't think I would.
But I did.
Last night, I dreamt of you.

I was chasing you.
You seemed so near.
Yet always out of my reach.

I caught up with you.
You didn't seem any different.
Yet everything else has changed.

We bantered and laughed.
But time caught up with us.
I bade farewell and left.

I walked towards my path.
Hastened footsteps were heard.
I turned and saw you behind.

You were chasing me.
You called out to me.
But I was no longer near.


I thought it would be easy. Yet, I didn't know what to write. Hell! I cldn't even decide what the first word shld be. Nothing's ever easy. Nothing.


And i love the Stella McCartney Adidas bag at Suntec City! So so gorgeous!! Someone buy it for meeeee!! *dreams*

Penned on: 9/02/2005 02:21:00 am

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