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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I just had to post this up. Wahaha! This is after editing their SOOPER long nicknames. I can NEVER understand why pp ALWAYS have super long nicks on MSN. It irritates the hell out of me! Tsk. *roll eyes* Anyway, the conversation:

NWB says:
enshi! listen carefully I was abt to lend u one new game call wu xia qun ying zhuan de but since no reply
NWB says:
NWB says:
GSS says:
GSS says:
eh i reply u lend me leh
NWB says:
u wan ar?
GSS says:
wat kind?
NWB says:
chinese rpg
GSS says:
no eng subs ah?
NWB says:
NWB says:
I lend u chinese to english dictionary lor
GSS says:
GSS says:
i dun want
NWB says:
kaoz! where got chinese game got eng sub de?
NWB says:
NWB says:
sound strange leh u see ar cannot be say I use the subdue dragon 18 palm hit the flower monk mah

Subdue dragon 18 palm hit the flower monk! WAHAHA! For the benefit of those who can't make it out...

Translation: Xiang Long Shi Ba Zhang Da Hua He Shang =X

Penned on: 8/24/2005 10:14:00 pm

Friday, August 19, 2005

Just finished watching Extreme Makeover and it really amazes me how every episode is a tear jerker for me. I'm not sure if the contestants had to pay for it but i think they would gladly do. Cause I seriously can see the joy in their eyes and you almost know that it will make their life better in so many ways just because their self confidence and esteem is boosted 10 times over.

Personally, i think if plastic surgery will make your life better, go ahead. Seriously. Don't give in to the "eeew! everything is fake!" blah blah blah nonsense. Cause life is too short to take into account every other persons' whims and fancies. Yeah yeah, the show only features SOME pp out of millions or do not show the boo-boos. So? It all begins with one. And that one person might be the one that makes the difference in thousand or million other lives.

And no, im not considering any cosmetic surgery anytime soon cos im pretty happy with what i have (even tho i wld be thrilled if the fats just dropped off my stomach and thighs). But botox in the future? Hmm.. worth considering. Ai sui mai mia!! Woohoo!

Penned on: 8/19/2005 10:57:00 pm

Sorry for the lack of updates but yours truly was very very sick. I was down with some kind of infection. My head spins daily, my lymph nodes are swollen (tho it feels more like ping pong balls stuck near my tonsils) and i wake up blind daily since my eyes are glued together by green crust that forms as i cough my way to some abs as i try to sleep at night.

The best thing is i look like some marvel character when i open my eyes cause they would both be swollen and both eyesballs would be RED. You could literally see every single vein and the blood that flows throught them. And every form of discharge from my body was GREEN. Slimy green. Yuck!

But its over now. Just that i still feel like coughing and my "abs" are hurting. I wouldn't have seen a doc if Terible didnt dragged me to one. So im actually very glad she did else i would prob hv died of coughing and bleeding eyeballs or something. *muacks* Well, i have been eating very sensibly except for that ONE dinner meal of fried fish beehoon. Its not even possible to exchange since she bought the same thing for the whole family.

And now im almost back to health and school is starting on Mon! Yipee! The only sucky thing is the change of my IE class to tues. Basket. My 3 day week will become 4 lor! *ROAR* I shall try to convince him to change to monday or something. Wahaha. If not, i might just change class. Hurhur!

Oh! And doggie is coming back for a visit from her internship in India! Coming back tmr. Those of you who are dying to slim down just take up some internship or BSM in india. She dropped like TWO sizes can! And she said all her SMALL jeans CANNOT FIT her AGAIN! Tsk. But i cant wait to see her. *twirl hair*

Penned on: 8/19/2005 11:19:00 am

Friday, August 12, 2005

Hey girl, what is the matter?
You're crying your heart out again
Don't lie, girl
This was not some accident
Your bruises, they give you away
Your face sighs in shades of blue purple
Your eyes tell a story of pain

Walk away
You're worth more than he'll ever realise
Baby walk away
Spare yourself this pain
Can't you see that he's not worth it?
You're not meant to be treated this way
Baby walk away

You say that
You really love him
You say that he'll know this someday
But your face still sighs in blue purple
Your eyes tell a story of shame

Walk away
You're worth more than he'll ever realise
Baby walk away
Spare yourself this pain
Can't you see that he's not worth it?

You've been waiting for his love for so many years
Well girl,
You may not live to see that day
Baby walk away

You're not meant to be treated this way
Baby walk away
Baby walk away
Baby walk away

Walking away is never easy regardless of the circumstances.
Thus we stay time and again, holding on to that sliver of hope.

And when you finally turn away and take that first step,
tears would roll and your heart would ache as you whisper "i'm sorry.."

You wonder why things turned out this way and what the future holds.
But you close your eyes and walk on, hoping that someday the answers will come.

Penned on: 8/12/2005 10:42:00 pm

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Someone asked me to do this but i can't rem who. Anyway, i gave up at Number 32. There are about another 8-10 pairs of heels & 1 pair of boots i did not photograph. On top of others like slippers (min 10 pairs), track shoes (3 pairs), sandals (min 6 pairs). Go figure! Ha! Pity many of my heels are of the wrong size. Thus i avoid wearing them subconciously. *sob*

Penned on: 8/11/2005 03:01:00 am

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Had dinner with all these peeps and I suggested taking NEOPRINTS to the shock and horror of everyone at the table but Nicholas. *grumble* I tell you, this machine makes u scream n run around that little room like crazy! But it def caught us in very natural & tickled moments! The machine? Cineleisure > 2nd Floor, Pretty in Tokyo > Machine on far right! Go try it!

Penned on: 8/07/2005 04:20:00 pm

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