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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Had dinner at Shangri-la's The Line. Very pretti and all but really disappointing food. But the company makes up for everything. =)

Another series of wacky pics. This time done with our chocolate fondue..

Adolf Hitler Family. Cute eh?

Well, I personally wldnt recommend this place even though its highly raved. Totally over hyped. I think the whole decor thing got to their heads and they forgot abt quality of food. Our pasta wasnt even fully cooked! *sigh* But i had fun that night! Lalala!

Penned on: 7/28/2005 01:14:00 am

Friday, July 22, 2005

We attended miss Jodyrella's graduation. Well, we didn't exactly attend it.. We just waited for the ceremony to be over so that we can take pics with her. Wahaha!

Why is the graduate not in this pic? Well, she disappeared to take pics with her other friends while we waited for her under the sweltering heat by the dangerous railing. When she finally emerged from the sea of black gowns, we decided to hand her the cam to take a pic of us instead of taking one with her. WAHAHA!

Bestest Friends. Lalala!

Ahem, our graduating cum farewell gift to her. Im sorry i posted this pic my friends. But i tink it captured the mood very well rite? =P

Miss Lim peeking at her prezzie..

All tangled up of sorts.. and TADAH!

Hope you like it friend. We will miss you.. But we will go KTV-ing (cow wld love it), play taboo, eat nice things and say bad things abt you while you're gone! Don't come back stick thin hor! We hv no more freebies for you! =)

Penned on: 7/22/2005 11:14:00 am

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Went out with squid n dotter the other day and took some very silly pics. We were sitting at the cafe in front of wisma's mac, eating ice cream happily after a huge SINFUL dinner. Then we decided to smear ice cream on our mouths do a "Got Milk" similar pic. And guess wat? I was the one that suggested it! =X

Penned on: 7/17/2005 05:07:00 pm

Friday, July 15, 2005

Yes, MIA-ing is my favourite hobby. But i always come back with something nice for everyone. Muahaha! Check this link out: NKF-Affairs

Penned on: 7/15/2005 04:33:00 pm

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Eye candy of the day, Raul Bova.

Cheers to a new & hopefully better week.

Penned on: 7/10/2005 10:41:00 pm

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

BOSS is over for me! Well, at least for this coming sch term. I got all my subjects and will hv a 3 day sch week! Weee~ I hope everyone else got their modules too! =)

I think many pp do not know but I am currently doing my internship. Yes yes, i am exempted fr internship. But wat to do? Yours truly is so darn good at geykiang-ing. So i took up this internship zealously and regretted it to my bones. Tsk. It was supposed to be a sales internship. SUPPOSED.

0900 - Check emails, go to OASIS. (Well, no more OASIS for now. wahaha!)
0930 - Data entry
1230 - Lunch
1400 - Data entry
1530- Cold calls
1730 - Data Entry
1800 - *poof*

I was posted to the Call Center to do shitty data entry. BAH. After negotiation, they agreed to let me do some sales work. But their 'sales work' equates to TELEMARKETING. I am so so bloody sick of it. I wanna slap every single person involved in this process! *roar*

Yeah yeah interns always do this kind of work. Bullshit. Pp get paid $7/hr to do such admin, idiot proof but necessary work. We agree to get that miserable few hundreds from them in exchange for learning something new. Opportunity costs pp. If im not learning anything new, whats the use of this freaking internship? Wat the hell am i expected to learn fr data entry??!

To the HR bitch,
You are so fucking incompetent. You GAVE the wrong job description and is obviously OUT TO DECEIVE. So don't make it sound like im the one at fault when you haven't got the slightest bit of professionalism. And quit scrutinising me fr head to toe everytime you see me! Its basic courtesy bitch.

To the HR bitch's lackey,
Dont look at me like i committed some heinous crime and say "this time i let you off". Whats with the fucking derogatory statements? its just a bloody MC. Blame yourself for being as useless as your bitch of a boss and forgetting to run me through yr silly HR procedures. U dont intend to pay me for that day whether or not i produce an MC. So whats the fucking deal? Just go ahead and deduct that measly $25 cos frankly i don't give a shit.

You know birds of a feather really flock together. Tsk.

Penned on: 7/05/2005 11:09:00 am

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