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Thursday, June 30, 2005

I go through cycles when i blog i think. When im in the mood for blogging, i blog daily. Else i MIA. Wahaha! Well, to make up for everything, here is a REALLY REALLY GROSS vid of someone squeezing a humongous pimple. I will not complain that much when i have a pimple in future. Cos seriously, its nothing compared to what this person has. *gulps* Don't say i did not warn u. Watch at yr own risk!

Its BOSS 1A alrdy and yours truly only successfully bidded for ONE class. Tsk. Someone end my sufferings! I miss Npal! *sobs*

Fats. I feel disgusted as i look at my face. I feel like vomitting when i look at my side profile.
Puffy face.
Saggy butt.
Waist-less soon.
Thunder thighs.
Y U C K .

And i DID NOT EXAGGERATE. The left heel of my gorgeous elle shoes BROKE. *sob* Its a first in my freaking life! Tsk! 2 more mths before sch starts. I NEED to slim down. Else.... I wld not go to sch! Muahaha! Who am i kidding. Chocolate time. =X

Penned on: 6/30/2005 11:02:00 pm

Friday, June 24, 2005

BOSS I will be over today. I am sooo happy. It is damn bloody irritating to bid for modules with this E$ system. The only positive thing BOSS (SMU's bidding system) has over Npal (NP's bidding system) is that you can take your own sweet time and there is minimal politics.

Npal: Fastest finger wins.
BOSS: Planning, bitching, agony, anger, politics blah blah blah.

I think many pp are falling out bcos of this. And i think it is really sad cos its all abt grades. Grades are important. But it is NOT the most important thing.

Ask yourself, what are you studying for?
What is the MAIN reason for wanting to be in school?

If you said, paper qualification. Please slap yourself 87684735 times. And really really hard for that matter. Cause you have probably studied aimlessly for the last *insert age* years. One should study for knowledge. Not study for the paper that probably cost 3 cents a piece to print. Ok, maybe 20 cents since its usually coloured.

Yes i TOTALLY agree that one would still need that paper to get *insert your aims*... And with that overwhelming double degree, dean's list for X years, 4.0 GPA etc you will probably be able to buy that lamborghini you have been lusting for and all the manolo blahniks on the shelf. Yeah, you would probably be assured of a good life. Financially.

But i'm not sure how happy you would be, slogging 24x7 for a job you probably hate, following the wake-travel-work-eat-work-sleep routine. Gatherings are all about showing off or finding out who has the better job. When people express envy, you would smile coyly and say "Nah.. Its not that impressive laaa.. You're not so bad yourself...' but your ego has already expanded 999 times its original size. Tsk.

Once in a purple polka dot moon, i try to make my grades-are-not-the-most-important point to my grades-are-so-important friends. But i always get the same response.

"Aiyah but Singapore is like that one. No paper, you will not get anywhere."
"Even the garbage uncle also have O levels lorrr!"
"Everyone has a degree these days you know!"
"People ONLY look at your paper."
"*insert the typical reason you give to people*"

My point is, pursue that paper if you like. But do it for the right reasons and don't get lost in that rat race. There are much more important things in life besides that pretty looking 20 cents a piece of transcript.

I feel sad seeing how friends get angry or even become foes because of this grading shit. I always believed that SMU is different. I mean didn't they look beyond your academic results before giving you this place? Isn't that how we got in? Or did this get lost or blurred somewhere along the past year? Conversations were so much happier and lighter pre-BOSS. Everyone was happier then.

School will still be great.
School will still be great.
Will it? *sigh*

Penned on: 6/24/2005 10:22:00 am

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

*tingle ling*

I keep hearing this soft tingling sound around me as i type away at my laptop. Irritated, I turned around to try finding out what exactly is making that sound.

*tingle tingle*

And i did this for abt 4 times but to no avail. On my 5th attempt, the answer hit me. The sound was coming fr a pair of earrings.

A pair of dangling earrings on MY ears.

Yes, i just feel like slapping myself.

Penned on: 6/21/2005 10:17:00 am

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

After countless test. I've concluded that coffee in the morning makes me wanna poop! Yuck!

Penned on: 6/15/2005 09:51:00 am

Monday, June 13, 2005

I want to talk about happy stuff.
but i can't cause there isn't any.

Its so flattering to know.
But its always built on someone else's pain.

I hate being in this position.
Yet i find myself thrown into it time and again.

I cannot and would never promise you anything.
But i do hope this decision wld never be your regret.

Penned on: 6/13/2005 04:17:00 pm

Monday, June 06, 2005

i hv a rabbit plush toy that pretty much has most of my attn.. My clever daddy assumed that i like plush toys or maybe white plush toys of the same size. And he gave me these:

And what am i supposed to do with TWO snoopys that look exactly the same? I don't even like snoopy in the first place! Silly dad.. *faint*

Penned on: 6/06/2005 11:10:00 pm

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Ok, here is the absolut ad explained. The pics can be enlarged for your viewing pleasure. Ha. Firstly, look at a typical absolut ad:

Then check out the Singapore absolut ad:

See the diff?

If not.. Well, essentially they are picking on Singapore's trait of being a clean city. So huh, there are NO WORDS on the bottle and the background is especially bright and shiny! And it of cos explains why the cloth is there lah.. Ha. Nothing to do with the words at the btm of the poster lah. =P

Penned on: 6/02/2005 10:23:00 pm

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