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Monday, May 30, 2005

The last few days have been spent watching SATC Season 1-3. And i cried buckets watching the whole Charlotte wedding drama. And a line Carrie said hit me.

Well, as far as i remember, we have never told each other how much we mean to each other. But watching the four of them in the last scene of Charlotte's wedding reminded me of what we have. I totally agree with what Carrie said:

Its hard finding people that love you enough.
I found three.

And i'm glad i found you.

Penned on: 5/30/2005 06:15:00 pm

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Omigod. One of the worst thing ever just happened to me!

I lost my Tweezerman!!
Both of them!

In case you pp are wondering, its my tweezers fr the states that i swear by. Im searching desperately for it! *sob* Yes its sooo bimbotic. But i donch care! I NEED them! Oh dear, it better better appear!!!

Penned on: 5/28/2005 09:40:00 pm

Thursday, May 26, 2005

I decided to sort out my clothes and started with polo tees. And guess what i found out. I have not 1, 2,3, 4 nor 5 but 6 ICT polo tees! My goodness.

Penned on: 5/26/2005 10:00:00 pm

This is so so funny. =X

Penned on: 5/26/2005 12:58:00 pm

More tummyache.

Life is pretty much 'painful' and stagnant now. I need a job. I need money. Hahaa! Well on a positive note, i CLEANED my room! Im impressed by myself. Ha. But im SUPPOSED to sort out my clothes so that i can give my best friends freebies.. Well, that will take some time.

Make that a lot of time. =X

Penned on: 5/26/2005 11:53:00 am

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Hello people.. I'm back fr BKK. Did not get to do as many things as i want to.

I did not drink tom yum soup.
Those places either don't sell it else its sold out by the time i find one that has it. Grr...

I did not volunteer at Pakkred Babies Home.
They changed their minimum volunteer requirement from half day to 3 months. T_T

I did not visit the Royal Barges Museum.

I did not visit all the Wats/temples.

I did not cruise along Chao Phraya River.

I did not visit Khao San.

I did not visit Kanchanaburi/Death railway.

I did not visit the Snake Farm.

So as you can all see, i did not visit many places bcos of the darn rain! Spoilt all my fantastic plans.. #^&*$*#@^!! But still, there were more than enough things to keep me occupied. Anyway, it seems like dotter needs my help with bkk? Hahaa.. Well, tty when i see u online else we meet up. Can tell you what i know so you guys can better prepare for yr trip. =)

I felt rather sad leaving the apartment today. When i saw the last guard saluting, smiling and saying bye to me, I just cried. And the stupid cab driver laughed at me! And you know what, i took this very same cab with doug when i sent him to the airport! So many million cabs in bkk and i take his on both occasions to the airport. Tsk..

And yes, a lot of crying on this trip. Seeing really badly disabled pp trying to earn a living, seeing a mother's face wet with tears as she held her crying baby while begging on the streets, remembering things that are important and meaningful to my life and many more. But it was a nice trip in all. A really different experience travelling alone. And i like it. Those of u who dare shld try it. I'm not saying its not dangerous. Of cos there are dangers but just need to make sure you take all precautions and always be aware of whats happening around you.

Anyway, let the pictures talk. My fingers are tired. Ha.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:55:00 pm

The most memorable part of my trip was sitting in a GJC outlet. Brought back a lot of sweet bitter memories. I missed those days. So so much..

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:55:00 pm

The all so familiar sofas, menus, cups and stuff.. If only it was still here. *sigh* I had my fav drink, Mocharetto.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:53:00 pm

Centrepoint - my apartment's lobby

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:50:00 pm

Kitchen and main door

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:49:00 pm

Living room...

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:49:00 pm

The room - look who is on the bed! =P

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:49:00 pm

View from my apartment - what you see is the Queen Sirikit Park.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:48:00 pm

One portion of the restaurant Pola Pola i visited on Day 1.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:47:00 pm

Doesn't this thai actor look like Nicholas?!!

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:45:00 pm

These donuts are so cute! Made to look like lollies but its name is very *ahem*.. =P

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:44:00 pm

My fav pharmacy of all times - Boots! Singapore pharmacy shld take a cue fr them.. tsk..

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:43:00 pm

My fav poster..

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:42:00 pm

Check out who joined me for the trip and got rich! Muahaha... My fav bunnie!

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:41:00 pm

Guess where we are........?

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:40:00 pm

Vertigo at Banyan Tree

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:39:00 pm

Our food... Yum!

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:39:00 pm

Our seat. Well, a candid shot of doug in his usual pose. Hahaa! The waitress was giggling as i tried my best to be stealthy abt it. =P

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:38:00 pm

The view fr our seat.. Gorgeous isn't it?

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:37:00 pm

Yet another view..

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:37:00 pm

I cried when i saw this man. He has a deformed lower body and thus cant walk properly i think. He was seated in a pothole on the floor in the midst of a really busy lane at Pahurat Cloth Mkt playing his flute to get some money. Imagine all the pp towering over him, brushing pass or even stepping on him as he tries to earn a living by playing his flute.I waited till the path cleared up to capture this pic of him and dropped S$10 into his bowl before i got pushed away by the crowd..

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:35:00 pm

Another interesting restaurant to visit - Cabbages and Condoms at Sukhumvit Soi 12! Or is it 11? *scratch head*

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:31:00 pm

Their front desk.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:30:00 pm

Irish condom size is a real shocker. Thats my ring for comparison.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:29:00 pm

But its the germany ones that really cracked me up! =X

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:28:00 pm

Check out the contraception history..

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:27:00 pm

Hahaa.. Doug gave me the 'that sounds really bimbotic' look when i asked him to 'drop in'. I wonder if anyone literally 'drop in'!

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:27:00 pm

More quirky stuff fr them! =P

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:25:00 pm

Lumpini Boxing Stadium!

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:23:00 pm

I dun even kw wat this thing is but i looked up, saw it and thus took a pic.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:23:00 pm

A corner of the stadium. The supposed romantic look turned out rather eerie...

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:22:00 pm

Pics of champions at Lumpini stadium. My fav, Madto, is the 3rd one on the first row! Muahaha!

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:21:00 pm

I went in pretty early so it was really empty. But the place soon filled up as u can see in the following pic..

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:20:00 pm

Check out the crowd! They are really enthusiastic during the game, shouting "heee" & "ole" ever so often! And they gamble just as hard abt the outcome of the matches. Ha.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:19:00 pm

This guy totally passed out after a lethal kick fr his opponent. Literally fell face down unconcious.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:17:00 pm

Doing the 'dance' before they start fighting.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:16:00 pm

Reeling in pain fr a fantastic kick.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:16:00 pm

The way he holds me looks like he owns me doesnt it? Ha!

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:14:00 pm

My all time fav shopping mall in bkk - Emporium!

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:11:00 pm

A look fr dunno which floor

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:11:00 pm

Sooo cute rite! I wanna play in them too!

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:09:00 pm

They even hv video games in it! SG kiddy rides suck!

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:09:00 pm

The weather, a reflection of my mood. Bye bkk.

Penned on: 5/21/2005 09:07:00 pm

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Hello peeps! Surfing net at Pantip Plaza, bkk's Sim Lim Square. Today i decided to be very hiao and wore a frilly dress and 3-4 inch heels out. Bad bad move. Firstly cos i intend to walk a lot today. Next, it started pouring donkeys! Now my feet is screaming "I hate uuuuuu"!

Last night, went to Lumpini Boxing Stadium to watch Muay Thai matches. Damn cool! I didn't expect there to be so many matches, so many people and such expensive tickets. I only brought 2000 out with me cos i didn't want to carry so many stuff and money. According to my research, its supposed to be 1000, 500, 250. But when i reached there, found out its 1500, 800, 500. I had no choice but to settle for the 800 one.

But it was money well spent! Cos the matches were very exciting. Fighters ducking flying kicks, making upper cuts etc. One fighter was made to stop fighting cos he was bleeding profusely on the face, another just conked out after his opponent gave him a deadly kick. He literally fell to the floor and didnt move. Very drama.

There are a total of 8 events and the highlight was Event 5. The red fighter did a long long long dance before his fight. And somehow it really impressed me cos the 'dancing' is always done in honour of their parents, teachers etc and also for them to get in the mood of the game. He took a really long time, ignoring the jeers and etc to ensure he wld concentrate well. I was rooting for him of cos! But he didnt win. Lost by a point. I seriously thot he wld hv won cos he fought really well. I even froze for a while when i heard the results.. But oh well.

After that, i went to the resting area to look for him cos i wanna take pics with him. I found his female friends and got them to ask him out for me. And of cos i managed to take pics with him lah! Then one of the ladies told me Madto said i'm very pretty and likes me. He even asked when i wld come back again to watch him play and asked for my number. HAHAHA... But i tink his friends had a large part in coercing him too lah.

Bottomline is, i didnt give him my number. But it was nice knowing a champion muaythai fighter likes me. *floats* Anyway, i gotta go. Talk again. =)

Penned on: 5/18/2005 03:03:00 pm

Monday, May 16, 2005

Its 10:43am now and yes im still at hm. I dunno wat to do today. Ha. Maybe send doug to the airport? Maybe i shld go buy stuff that my friends' asked me to buy.. But that means more shopping which i don't really want. But i need to plan my non shopping stuff. So i guess today will be yet another shopping day? =/

I wanna go Kanchanaburi! That's where the River Kwai and death railway is. The railway was built during WWII by POWs thus its name. I believe it wld be gorgeous. But thinking abt the journey gives me headaches. Its at least 3 hrs to go there according to the locals. So i can safely add another 1-2 hrs to that time.

If its gonna be like travelling to Jaco in Timor i wld dieeee.. But i believe its not as bad cos in Timor the pp dun wear watches. So everything is by agar-ation. Their 3-4 hrs became a 12-13 hrs ride and i ended up feeling really sick. But then it was worth it since the scenary was gorgeous and we saw dolphins the following morning.

And i need to call another 2 organisations. One is the biking something org and the other a children's hm. Thinking of joining this one day cycling thing and volunteering at the hm. It wld be really nice i tink.. =)

Penned on: 5/16/2005 11:42:00 am

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Today i'm back hm early cos my feet hurts like nobody's biz! Went to Chatuchak and its very boring and disappointing. Wanted to go for doug's class after that but i realised i dunno how to get to his sch. T_T So i headed for Chinatown..

I walked.
And walked..
And walked..

Till my soles swelled up lor! Wat to do, i gey kiang! Take public bus, mrt, bts etc etc instead of taxi! Ha.. Anyway, wanna go rest now. Blog more later! *muacks*

Penned on: 5/15/2005 07:17:00 pm


Its 230am alrdy. My eyes are tired but i must blog before i forget stuff. Ha. So, today i went shopping at Pratunum. DIdn't realise there is so much clothes there! Saw many nice stuff but didn't buy. Why? Cos im too fat for them! Thai girls are all so freaking small size lah! Everything is free size (i.e. small or x-small)!! How to wear you tell me?! But i managed to find dresses. Ha. All very pretty you know! =P

Caught a movie at Siam Discovery Center's EGV Cinema. Watched Kingdom of Heaven in its Gold Class cinema. Shiok! The chair has massaging and heat function! Woohoo!! After that, we proceeded to Banyan Tree's Vertigo for dinner.

Vertigo is on the 59th storey and essentially a rooftop restaurant & bar. I told doug that i wld kill him if the view wasnt nice. Boy, did i eat my words. It is soooo gorgeous! You could see all of bangkok without any barriers cause there are no walls, just really slim metal railings.. The food was fantastic, every seat is great and comes with a cool breeze & jazz music! It's pricey but worth every cent cos it really took my breath away. Imagine me "cooing its sooo pretty!" every 10 mins and having my eyes glued on the panoramic view. It's really really pretty! =P

Its been a great day even though im dog tired.. Really enjoyed it. *mesmerised* Anyway, prob going to chatuchak tmr morning since its the weekend. Prob won't buy anything since its pricey and i won't bargain... And guess wat? i tink im growing fatter fr all the great food this trip! *squeeze fat on tummy* My sadness knows no bound.

Penned on: 5/15/2005 03:13:00 am

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Every single trip i would hv to spoil or break something. Tsk. The flower fell off my slip ons in Bintan, i burnt one of my fav tops in Australia, I broke both pairs of slippers in Timor Leste and the list goes on. And yesterday, I broke my necklace while shopping for shoes! *wails* Basket basket basket~! I seriously think its just me. Aargh~!

And i had some 'accidents' last night. I did my laundry after coming home yesterday. There are 4 items and i poured a cap full of detergent into the washing machine. When i switched it on, i realised it wasn't flushing water into the compartment i poured detergent in. So i put in another capful.

I happily sat at the couch watching "Catch me if you can" and then it happened. I went to the kitchen wanting to get some apple juice and guess what i saw? The washing machine was vomitting foam! I was in shock for abt 15 secs and had to go on all fours to clean its 'vomit'! Stupid idiot shit...

Then i decided to wash the detergent off my feet. Went to the bathroom and hesitated switching on the tap at the bath tub cos somehow i had a feeling water was gonna come out from the shower head. After 3 secs, i decided to go ahead with it. Well, water did not come out from the shower head. It came out from both the shower head and tap! So, yours truly's right half was soaked to the skin!

Well blame myself for not checking the stupid tap before switching it on. And blame myself even harder for pouring in 2 caps of detergent when there is just 4 items! I had to wash the clothes all over again for 8 times before it was rid of ALL the detergent!

Yesterday, went out really late so didn't shop much. But i bought a pretty pink dress! Muahaha.. And cheap heels! However i hv a feeling i wldnt like the black heels that much soon.. Mei Ling's coming over today with her uni friends. Might meet up with her tmr or something cause i am very very packed today. Gonna go gai gai, meet doug for lunch/tunch, go for movie at EGV's gold class and have dinner at Banyan Tree's Vertigo! Weee~!

Okie its getting late again! Bah! I didn't sleep much again. 5am to 930am. Not sure why. Darn. I shall go out now! Lalala! Oh yes! Must drink A.P.P.L.E juice first! *beams*

Penned on: 5/14/2005 10:50:00 am

Friday, May 13, 2005

Last night i was like burnt out! Super tired but was in school with Doug till 12am (BKK time). But his MBA students were quite impressive. Ha. Learnt how to do very complex stuff in 2 days. HE said the singapore students take 3 weeks. Not bad eh?

When we got back we cooked pasta and cut fruits for dinner. And i think i ate too much. Muahaha! But i donch care. Cos i wld rather be bloated than to waste food. And we chatted for quite a while. I was half awake as i listened to him and i think he caught it. Darn. So he told me to go sleep and that was 2am and i woke up at 9am even though i believed i wld hv slept much longer! Sheez.. I WANT TO SLEEP!! *sob* Probably need a few nights to recover the sleep. =/

I looked through my fantastic Nancy Chandler map and decided to visit a few places. Ok, its more than a few lah! But some required a lot of travelling and i tink i will vormit and die! Trying to locate a particular night mkt which is accessible by boat. But dunno how to find it cos i don't even know its name. GAH.

Okie won't talk much now. Gotta go get ready and go out (even though i havent decided where to go..). Pong pong time! Miss me k? *muacks*

Penned on: 5/13/2005 10:32:00 am

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Good morning Singapore! *yawn* Blogging from the study room now. Ha. Its 8am here now. One hour difference with sg. i was so happy on my flight yesterday cos they served haagen daz ice cream, toblerone chocolate and handed out donation envelopes for unicef!

Took a cab to the apartment. On the route here, there were people walking along the roads when the traffic light was red, coming up to the vehicle's window to sell you their stuff. Toys, flowers, papers, food. I totally forgot this part abt bangkok.. But nothing surprising i guess.. Wanted to take a pic but my camera died on me. T_T

And the apartment is great. Very tight security. You know what is the most fun thing in the apt? You get to watch a channel called "CCTV". this channel shows what is happening at the front desk in real time. I know its bo liao but its actually quite fun to see whats going on at the front desk. Muahaha!

And there is so much storage space in the apartment! Doug was saying how i can buy tons of shoes and clothes and still have space to put them. Ha. But the worst thing i found out was that checking out wld be a pain! There is a 2 page check out list! And the lady will go through EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ITEM with you! *faint*

Had dinner last night at this gorgeous place called "Pola Pola" with Doug and his ex-student. The place is very pretty and crowded. Looks like a greenhouse and seemed expensive. But the food was great and relatively cheap in my opinion. Of course you can't compare the prices with street hawkers. But for restaurants, i tink its good and really reasonable.

And i think im a bit crazy waking up soooo early since i only slept at 3 am BKK time. Oh well! Sleep more tonight or something. Ha. Today gonna go for Douglas' MBA class. Hope its fun. Okie gonna go watch telly now! Many many nice shows on tv! =P

Penned on: 5/12/2005 08:55:00 am

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Lalala! At the departure hall now. Yes, im obviously bored cos there is nobody to talk to when you travel alone. But then again i'm still very excited. I saw the display for Absolut Raspberri.. So so pretti! And for the first time (even tho i've been in this hall so many times), i went up to the mezzanine level with Macs & the outdoor Harry's bar. Ha. Quite nice lah.

I realised that many pp travel alone. It is pretty much a norm. But i really wonder what there is to do when you travel alone. Most pp prob do a lot of thinking... But i do not feel like using my brain!!! And i now realised why there is so many book stores. To satisfy the bored and lonely travellers like me.

Well, im not exactly bored lah. Cos feeling excited. Anyway gonna go explore a little more before boarding. Taaa!

Penned on: 5/11/2005 12:34:00 pm

Flying off to bangkok in abt 2.5 hours! Will be back on 21 May. Anything, can call me on my mobile. Else you can email or sms me if you miss me! Muahaha!

Hmm, don't be upset with me for going there alone lah... =( Do not worry about me k? I will take care of myself when i'm there. Promise.

See you guys soon. *muacks*

Penned on: 5/11/2005 10:55:00 am

Monday, May 09, 2005

Okie.. this is a long long long long post. I realised i didnt blog abt my Timor Leste trip last year so im doing it now. Alot of pics.. So many till i got some LimitingException! Anyway, view slowly lah huh... Let the pictures do the talking.. =P

Penned on: 5/09/2005 02:08:00 pm

Guess what we found in Timor! Ha!

Penned on: 5/09/2005 02:04:00 pm

Mingling around upon arrival...

Penned on: 5/09/2005 02:04:00 pm

Our welcome bus! Muahaha..

Penned on: 5/09/2005 02:03:00 pm

Note that its a bright day. But you can't see any light fr within the bus cos its filled to the brim with students fr DIT and us!

Penned on: 5/09/2005 02:03:00 pm

On the tiny bus!

Penned on: 5/09/2005 02:02:00 pm

The first kids i got to know at the village. The very first one is the girl in yellow. She was the one that bravely came up to interact with me. And of cos the 'key' to accessing all other kids there..

Penned on: 5/09/2005 02:02:00 pm

The school, Dili Institute of Technology.

Penned on: 5/09/2005 02:01:00 pm

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