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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Went to my Dotter's birthday chalet yest. Hope you had fun dearie! And kudos to squid for taking care of so many many things! We sure had a lot of fun later in the night. Or shld i say early in the morning? MUAHAHA. *winks*

Penned on: 4/30/2005 09:14:00 pm

Blur blur Mad.. Tsk. *giggles*

Penned on: 4/30/2005 09:11:00 pm

Derick the Cheese Monster

Penned on: 4/30/2005 09:10:00 pm

Lady & the Tramp

Penned on: 4/30/2005 09:10:00 pm

The oh so sinful Birthday Cake

Penned on: 4/30/2005 09:10:00 pm

Bdae girl making her wish.

Penned on: 4/30/2005 09:09:00 pm

Estella & Sea Creature with scary laughter

Penned on: 4/30/2005 09:09:00 pm

The 'HUH' Look: Mich wins HANDS DOWN!

Penned on: 4/30/2005 09:08:00 pm

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The following comic aptly describes what i feel abt MSN Messenger. Ha. Got the url off jiayuan's site.. Its title?

Why we don't like coming online anymore.

Penned on: 4/26/2005 09:56:00 pm

Credits: http://www.squarebrain.net/

Penned on: 4/26/2005 09:55:00 pm

I've just had the greatest revelation of my life.

I found out minutes ago that i have been wearing the wrong size shoe for at least the last 5 years of my life!! BOOHOOOO~!

All my gorgeous shoes are in fact too small for me! WTH! I can't believe how stupid i am. My poor feet gives me signals after signals.. Blisters.. Pain.. More blisters.. More pain.. And yet, i ignored it thinking its just me when in fact im wearing one size too small! OH GAWD! KILL ME!

I am stupid.
I am so so stupid.

Penned on: 4/26/2005 06:57:00 pm

Sunday, April 24, 2005

All our lives, we search for The One.
The one that will always be there for you no matter what happens.
The one that promises to love you come what may.

We try so hard to find the one to love and hope to be loved in return.
We seek the ever so desirable they-live-happily-ever-after ending.

We gush at the sweet nothings, blush with every smile.
Our heart skips two beats when we draw near and stops when we touch.

The blessed ones find theirs at first sight.
The lucky ones find it with their first love.

But more often then not, we get lost in this wild pursuit.
Lost in the whirlwind of promises and seemingly perfect future.

We get hurt and cry our hearts out.
We curse and may even swear off love.

But we falter when the old One renews promises.
We forget when a new One comes along.
And we throw ourselves back into the vicious cycle once more.

A life long pursuit.
Most of us fall, pick up the pieces and try again.
And some never find or ever get over it.

Love is indeed a splendid thing.
But is it worth spending all our lives searching for the One you may never find?
Or hurting ourselves over and over again for the one true love that might not even exist?

Should we be satisfied with just being loved than seek to be reciprocated?
Should we just end the search with SomeOne thats close to The One?

Will we find this paradise or is it just a utopian dream?
I'm not sure either... Cos i'm lost in it too.

Penned on: 4/24/2005 06:35:00 pm

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Just came back from ICT Prom 2005 and a meet up with my gal pals at Crown Prince Hotel. Still very much awake so i'm gonna BLOG! Muahaha...

Prom was great. It was a great idea to splurge on a good emcee. It was a lesson well learnt from last year... *sigh* Bad bad memories... Anyway, food was alright and there were some seating issues.. But it was still a fantastic job.. Really deserve many hugs and pats on the back . *hugs*

Had to participate in a game called Up and Down. 2 teams of 17 pp. Objective is to bring the yarn of string with a spoon attached at the end through everyone's clothes. There were two girls on my team including me. And well, my dress kinda rode up my thigh when i pulled the thread out from my dress. EEK! But no fear, Daniel Ong to save the damsel in distress! Muahaha! He came over and blocked everyone. Haha.. Cute cute.. Ric also came over to 'protect' our modesty, telling us to do it with our backs facing the crowd. The 2 girls helped each other out. So we had our hands up each other's ass and dress at one point. We lost the game but it was quite fun. =P

It was nice meeting up with everyone. Saw many familiar faces and everyone made me felt at home. Really pleasant feeling. Everyone looked great tonight. You guys deserve to have fun after 3 years of work or is it play? Haha! Thanks to everyone at the table especially dotter and squid. And Joseph... I'm really really paiseh. Thanks a mill seriously. Hope you guys are all having fun somewhere now.. Anyway, some pics of food.. No pics of humans till i get it fr the other pp...

OH OH!! I HAD to post this up. Its a MUST. Took a cab to Crown Prince Hotel to meet up with my gal pals. Had a 'interesting' chat with the cab driver. I boarded the cab, gave my destination and he started talking in a few secs.

"For a moment i thought you were Joanne Peh!"
"Oh really? Haha.. That's not the first.."
"Oh, its good and bad i guess.. Cos you look good even if you don't look like her.."
"So what's there are Crown Prince for you at this late hour?"
"Oh, meeting some friends for ice cream after my function at fullerton..."
"Wow, ice cream at this hour?"
"Yeah, so sinful right?"
*checked me out in the mirror* "Ooh, with a figure like yours you cld definitely afford to eat.."
"Right... But its blah blah blah..." *smile awkwardly*
"Oh, you are making me drool.."
"Oh yeah, everyone loves ice cream.."
"Oh no! You got the wrong idea.. "
"I'm not drooling cos of the ice cream. I'm drooling cos of you.."
* -_-" *
"If only Crown Prince was on the other end of Singapore, then I cld spend more time with you.."

Blah blah blah... The taxi driver was FREAKING HITTING ON ME! I cld have died.. He was relatively young but sooooo freaking mushy when i met him just minutes ago! HELLO!! Just kill me! There is much more but i'm lazy to think and type.

My point is beware of relatively young white cabbie drivers all u girls out there.. But bfs / bfs-to-be shld take a cue from him cos the things he said wld sound really great if it was coming fr a guy u fancy.

But a guy i just met 5 mins ago?

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:49:00 am

Setting of Table numero 23

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:47:00 am

Menu for the Night

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:46:00 am

Salad: Prawns, Mushroom, Mango salsa & veges

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:46:00 am

Soup: Forest Mushrooms!!

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:45:00 am

Main: Chix stuffed w Cheese & Spinach & Capellini

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:44:00 am

Dessert: Terrine of Triple Layer Choco Ganache & compote of Berries

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:43:00 am

Sweet ending: Mignardises & Coffee/Tea

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:41:00 am

Dan asking everyone to gather for some screaming!

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:40:00 am

Dancing Kings & Queens! Check out the 'spirit' of estella.

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:39:00 am

Last shot for the night. *muacks*

Penned on: 4/23/2005 01:38:00 am

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Went for 'nyu' at Gotham Penthouse on Tues night. More than half of the usual classmates i have were there. And my dearest dearest bodyguard was there too! Muahaha! The theme was old shanghai. It was great fun cos most of my classmates were dressed up for the theme. So were 7623742 other pp. Okay, exagerrating. Haha. But most pp were indeed dressed up for it!

The night started with performances set in old shanghai of cos. You have pp playing gu zheng, hair all bunned up and singing with feather boas. The continuation of their publicity gimmick.. The leader of the black dragon triad, announcing which son to pass on his leadership to. But it will be determined by the online vote for their other half. Those ladies playing mahjong on stage. Blah blah blah..

I had loads of fun with my classmates. And i shall announce it yet again.

I LOVE SMU! *muacks*

And of cos i love teri. Way way more! *muacks muacks muacks*

Penned on: 4/21/2005 12:52:00 pm

My darling bodyguard and ME!

Penned on: 4/21/2005 12:49:00 pm

Tai tai's of the triad leader's sons playing mahjong

Penned on: 4/21/2005 12:48:00 pm

Denise and Shawn up for best dressed contest

Penned on: 4/21/2005 12:47:00 pm

Beer drinking contest

Penned on: 4/21/2005 12:47:00 pm

So so crowded in that small club!!

Penned on: 4/21/2005 12:46:00 pm

Babes in action

Penned on: 4/21/2005 12:46:00 pm

Classmates dancing on the table

Penned on: 4/21/2005 12:45:00 pm

Monday, April 18, 2005

Miracles do happen. I got a B+ for my Calculus! MUAHAHA.. My happiness knows no bounds!

Penned on: 4/18/2005 02:32:00 pm

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Calculus paper today.
Paper is based on 120 marks.
I did abt 60-70 marks worth of questions.
Screwed? Yes.
Pass? Pls pray for me.

Tmr. Financial Accounting (FA).

Penned on: 4/12/2005 07:54:00 pm

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Guess who don't sue! *giggles*

Penned on: 4/09/2005 07:48:00 pm

Yes, its our dear Nicholas! Haha! Very F4-ish rite?

Penned on: 4/09/2005 07:47:00 pm

Lips a little too dark eh?

Penned on: 4/09/2005 07:47:00 pm

Friday, April 08, 2005

My LTB Team! Still not very big pic of the building tho.. =P All of us look sleepy cos we stayed overnight in sch to prepare for the final presentation the following day.

Penned on: 4/08/2005 09:27:00 pm

I didn't get the internship.
My sadness knows no bound.

Penned on: 4/08/2005 06:54:00 pm

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Im sick.


BAH! Why must i fall sick during exam period. Shits. Darn. I keep coughing.. Having headache and dozing off. And yes, i hv a fever. How fantastic. *roar*

Penned on: 4/07/2005 06:25:00 pm

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

This is my favourite Pocky now! Choco Banana flavour! Yipee! Only available from Thailand now tho.. But it is SOOO SOOO good! *slurp*

Penned on: 4/06/2005 10:49:00 pm

Oh.. A pic of my team mates trying to take an artistic pic of the acrylic building.. The pillars actually have photograqphs floating in water.. But cant see fr this lousy pic using my phone lah..

Penned on: 4/06/2005 10:44:00 pm

Had my DHL interview at Gotham City today. The building was SOOO amazing. Oh.. Interview was 2 hours long. The manager told me A LOT abt what to expect and what i prob hv to do. She says she has nothing less than 250 emails a day. *faint*

Its pretty scary cos the workload is HUGE. Like she needs the new intern to work on the upcoming event in May and that she wont be in town since she will attend some other event. In essence, this job requires one to work from Mon-Sun. But i really hope i get it cos its in a gorgeous building and the work seems really exciting! Will kw if i get it on Fri or Mon.. gulp..

*pray hard*
*cross fingers & toes*

Penned on: 4/06/2005 10:38:00 pm

Monday, April 04, 2005

Am i the only one experiencing publishing problems with Blogger? It just refuses to work properly!! AArghh!

Just applied for an internship with DHL. Hope i get it. If i don't get it... I'll cry! Muahaha.. Anyone got lobang for work huh huh huh?

Oh, Clara got into SMU! Weee~ Very happy for her. Another ICTian at SMU. Altho we are in different faculties and prob won't meet.. But I'm happy she got in lah! =P

And who wld like to help me with my blog template's HTML huh? It is also crazy! The page doesn't refresh itself and the links don't work on some pages! @#$%^&*#%!! It is irritating the shit out of me!!!

Penned on: 4/04/2005 12:25:00 pm

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Something is very wrong with blogger. My pics dun get loaded properly and my post goes haywire! Aiyo~

Anyway, the school term finally came to an end! I finally got through all the assignments and presentations. Whee! Had my LTB presentation yest. My team was so unprepared for it. We only started practising at 11.40am. 20 mins before class. Even Kat was scared. Her hands started shaking and eyes twitched too. Never been so unprepared. But we got through it. =)

And im so proud of my team's acrylic building. My heart nearly flipped when Christina pulled the bag and handled it in a rough way cos the pics might become displaced. Didnt get a chance to apologise to her for the huge reaction. Hope she didn't take it in the wrong way.. And i still have not gotten a pic of it. Will post soon.

Stayed overnight in school to finish the portfolio but it was worth it. Had one of the best time with my groupmates. Despite all the problems we faced we were really able to work together as a team and seriously had no conflicts. Felt a little sad when everything had to end yest. But there is always memories to fall back on.

Slept for 13 hrs straight when i reached home. Think i need some retail therapy and yummy food. Adieus!

Penned on: 4/02/2005 11:44:00 am

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