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Monday, January 31, 2005

I have a classmate. Her name is Zoe.
She asked me to say that she is nice.

And FA class is really boring..

Penned on: 1/31/2005 02:52:00 pm

Monday, January 24, 2005

Mon: Meeting, homework, project
Tue: Meeting, homework, project
Wed: Meeting, homework, project
Thu: Meeting, homework, project
Fri: Meeting, homework, project
Sat: Meeting, homework, project
Sun: Meeting, homework, project

That pretti much sums up my life for now. Doggie said i shld revisit my resolutions...

- Be more hardworking and proactive for school *scoring distinction for this*
- Learn swimming (stop laughing!) *no time*
- Learn to save money *a little bit*
- Organise YEP to Nepal *rejected by SIF! tmd..*
- Refurbish my room a little *no time*
- Spend more time with friends *no time*
- Spare time for visiting relatives *no time*

Fantastic 2005 till now isnt it? *groan* I need to escape. Too much work. Too much problems. Too little time. Who wants to bring me on a weekend getaway? *hint hamtaro - kl kl kl kl*

Oh oh, remember this?

I got it already. In fuchsia no less! Muahaha! Half of it is complimentary from my bestest friends. Lalala..

I need a break.
I need to recharge.
One week. Just one week with NO deadlines.
Yeah rite, in my dreams. AARGH!!! Kill me! *sob*

Penned on: 1/24/2005 01:47:00 pm

Monday, January 03, 2005

First day of a new term. Went to sch all set to be a great student. After some time a guy came in and wrote:

ACCT101 Dr Tony Kang
No class today.

WTH! That clever guy is not back fr whatever country he is in and didnt inform the class! (Y_Y) So went to KAP for lunch with my friends and met some of my nice poly lecturers! Ha! Small small world.. Oh oh! The new chicken wrap is super nice! Must try!

I realised i didnt write abt my thots for 2004 and my expectations for 2005. So here goes.....

Was bogged down by Final year Project (FYP) at Ecquaria and organising the ICT prom. Faced lots of problems in both.. I was despaired, lost, physically and emotionally drained. But i ultimately survived through both.


The FYP meant a lot to me. I learnt a lot from my friends at Ecquaria and from Angela. Not sure why but i feel very attached to and comfortable with her. She was the turning point for my poly life. Despite being the director, Angela is really approachable and sweet. Get to know her and you will realise how capable, hardworking and nice she is. I've never said it to her but im really grateful for her guidance and everything she did. All you guys who are still there shld appreciate her cos you wont be able to find another director like her. Open yourself to her and i promise you will grow to love her like i do.

Ecquaria was pretty disastrous at first. I had major problems in my FYP. I was too caught up with graduation night committee work and had problems coding my modules. The talk with the Project Manager was a wake up call for me. He told me he wanted to send me back but my Ecq supervisor had spoken up for me. Even though i always tease him, i am very grateful for what he has done behind the scenes for me. I became really close with some of the pp at Ecq. Yu know who you are and i thank you for everything you guys have done for me.

I hated poly but i grew to love it in my final year at ICT. Leaving it was really difficult. I've grown accustomed to hanging out at CS room, laughing like nobody's buisness with ICTS peeps, weaving in and out of offices, chatting up both academic and non-academic staff, being a regular visitor to Angela's office.. ICT was home. It was really difficult when i had to leave but i had to move on.

It was a dream come true when i finally accepted my place at SMU. I'm still excited about school even now. Uni life is pretty hectic. Esp in Week 13! Goodness! Tests, presentations and assignments. I had at least 2 out of these 3 items due daily in Week 13. It was living hell.. But i survived! Muahaha!

Even though i'm literally loving it at SMU, my heart is with ICT. I miss that place. But i know im always welcomed there. =)

- Be more hardworking and proactive for school
- Learn swimming (stop laughing!)
- Learn to save money
- Organise YEP to Nepal
- Refurbish my room a little
- Spend more time with friends
- Spare time for visiting relatives

Alrighty, clean room time! Need to put away last sem's notes. The notes fr my last exam paper is still on my table! Muahaha.. Taa~!

Penned on: 1/03/2005 08:12:00 pm

Saturday, January 01, 2005

After dreaming abt it for so long... I've finally got it! Wee~! Charging it now.. Lalala!

I still NEED a dvd player, lcd, waterproof bag and iBook! Muahaha.. Yes, i kw im greedy. =P

Oh in case you guys didn't realise, im back from East Timor alrdy! Sad to say in a bigger piece than ever! Muahaha! Pictures will be up soon! *i hope*

Penned on: 1/01/2005 01:50:00 am

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