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Friday, November 26, 2004

Exams finally over. I took 4 papers in all but didnt manage to complete any of it. Guess i'm not used to writing that much after relying so much on laptops and 3 years of school that required minimal writing. Hope i get nothing less than a C for everything even tho i tink i wld prob hv one D. *sigh*

Feeling very down these days.
Need to be happier.

Penned on: 11/26/2004 06:59:00 pm

Friday, November 19, 2004

If i cld, i would fucking tear yr mouth and face.
If it was alright to kill, I wld take you right now.

You wld forget but i won't.
I've never forgotten any single shit.

Whatever you did, i wld return ten-fold.
You wont get away with it.

I wld wait to see u on yr deathbed.
To see you live your last moments in misery.

And when you take that last breath,
i wld close my eyes and weep.

For i wld truly be free.
And my life can finally begin.

Penned on: 11/19/2004 04:41:00 pm

Friday, November 12, 2004

Am still emotionally upset when i woke up this morning. Reached sch and realised they changed everything i painstakingly formatted for the report. Why ask me to do it in the first place? Wasted all the time and effort i spent on making the report look professional and presentable. Cld have used those days to study for my test. If i did, i wldnt hv failed the test with a miserable eleven points. Wanna scold the F word but find it weird to spout the word cos i have abstained fr it for so many months. Aargh just wanna freaking end this day.

Penned on: 11/12/2004 03:43:00 pm

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Hello peeps. Long time since i blogged. *as usual*

Am so so busy recently. What have i been up to? Here's what i did this week.

Mon - Econs proj meeting, law proj meeting
Tues - Econs presentation & proj due, law project meeting
Wed - law presentation & proj due, analytical skills mock test
Thurs - mgt accounting test
Fri - mgt accounting proj due

Yes. I had a test today. On a public holiday. Pretti cool huh? *roll eyes* Just finished another draft of my accounts proj. So, thot i'll blog a little while waiting for them to reply.

Was sick for many many many days. My cough was a killer. Last fri, i started coughing so violently in class that i wanted to puke. So i ran to the ladies and out came all the little gummy bears i was eating in class. MUAHAHA.

After my gummy bears came out, i breath really hard and boy do i regret it! Someone was crapping and it STINKS big big time! I nearly vormitted again!! Sheez..

I feel so so drained. Schedule has been too hectic and taking major toil on me. But it will be over soon.. Exams in 2 weeks time. Ok, i need to catch some sleep.. Nites babes.

Penned on: 11/11/2004 10:50:00 pm

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