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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Hi friends, i'm missing sch for the 2nd day. Reason? I'm ill.. *sob* And my calves are aching like HELL fr the full day newspaper collection on sunday.. Yest, i cldnt even stand straight lah! I went ard the hse in my big black roller chair. HAHAHA.. Today, can stand straight, can walk but limping and it hurts SUPER BIG time when i walk. Being down with fever, diarrhoea, sore throat and cough doesnt help! BOOHOO! I don't wanna be sick! I don't wanna do projects either!!

Okie, thats all i wanna rant abt. =P
I shall go back to sleep and drowning myself in water!

Penned on: 10/26/2004 11:24:00 am

Friday, October 22, 2004

Sigh.. Busy busy busy. So many things to do so little time. I need to pull up my socks to my neck lah! My grades have been alright except for Biz Law where i got a C+! Aaargh! I was pretti pleased with my other papers till i found out i was always below class average!

Example, i had an accounting test with 3 bonus qns. so, the test is out of 15 points but one can get max of 18. I got 11.75/15 which i thot was pretti good. Then the prof said:

Prof: Well, yr class did fairly well this test. Erm, more then half the class got 13 and above.

Me: (T_T)

EVERYONE scores damn well lah! Buay ta han! Ok, fine its just me. Hahaha..

Penned on: 10/22/2004 01:51:00 am

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

25 minutes. I had to walk for 25 minutes at 8.30am this morning. Somehow i overshot my sch by ONE stop and it took me 15 minutes to walk back to my stop and another 10 minutes to reach my class. @#$&%^#$^%$!

I shld hv listened to my evil half this morning n not go for class.. Grrr.. The best thing was i understood NOTHING he taught! *faint* What did i do? Doodle! Muahaha..

Okie, BGS time!! Need to study for Gilbert's test! Lalala...

Penned on: 10/12/2004 03:52:00 pm

Sunday, October 10, 2004

OKAY! I cld feel the cobwebs stuck on my blog.. Wanted to update last week but somehow forgot abt it. Ha..

I attended a 'camp' at Changi last monday. Its a team building camp for my East Timor Trip. Anyway, let my pictures do the talking!

The Big Big House

This is the house we stayed in! Very very big! Each room has its own balcony! The best thing is the staircase from the 2nd storey that leads to the kitchen! Super cool! Many of them played frisbee and other games at the big grass patch in front of the sea view.

View fr chalet

This is the view on the left of the chalet. Lots of ships on the left but not captured in the pic.

Another view fr chalet

This is the view on the right of the chalet. And no, thats not a kelong. Its just a kelong-wannabe! Its actually a pavillon for pp to rest. Lots of people fish along the board walk at night.

My Dept Room

Alrighty! My room!! Each dept shared a room among its members. My dept, the IT peeps, shared this room. Being a girl, the guys graciously gave me the bed without asking. Wee~! My bed is the one with lots of stuff.. =P

Sunset View 1

I love this pic! It looks so... Lion King-ish & Africa-ish! The actual place isnt so nice lah. But the pic turned out really gorgeous.. Hee!

Sunset View 2

This was the sunset on 5 Oct 2004. The whole meTIMORphosis team end up spending the rest of the evening there even tho it was supposed to be a short break.. Ha. But it was really nice..

Sunset View 3

Another pretti sunset pic! Can't wait to go to Timor.. *dream*

Penned on: 10/10/2004 10:04:00 pm

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