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Thursday, September 30, 2004

The air smells stale but at least i hv some space and time for breathing now. The last 2 weeks have been really hectic. Cleared 2 mid term test over the last 2 days and im so so drained..

Hv been reading so profusely since Friday to prepare for these tests. So much so that i felt weird when i sat at my desk today. Cos i wasnt burying my head in a textbook or flipping some pages.. Eek!

But i can only afford a break tonight. Gotta start working on the other stuffs AGAIN. *sigh* Shall enjoy it while it lasts.. *breathing deep* =)

Penned on: 9/30/2004 01:24:00 am

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Rain. I love the rain. I would kiss the rain if i cld. But the stupid rain made my blood boil today.

I hate doing laundry! (Well, i hate all forms of housework..) I washed THREE FULL LOADS of clothes this morning and hung them out to dry. But guess what?

Nice Mr Rainman sent a sudden downpour while i was burying my head in my Biz Law textbook. I was peeved but still washed all these clothes again.

The sun came out hours later and i put all my clothes out for sunning. But it rained AGAIN while i was catching a nap!!! WTH! My clothes were fully drenched and i had to wash them all AGAIN!

I've already reached the peak of my tolerance level when i was hanging the clothes for the SECOND TIME. When one is down, everything bad comes again and again. I dropped a bunch of clothes on the floor right smack onto a huge puddle made by the same clothes when i hurriedly took them in fr the rain earlier. OOF!!! (>,<)

My anger knows no bounds.
Stupid rain.
Stupid rain.

Penned on: 9/26/2004 10:46:00 pm

Thursday, September 23, 2004

I happily sinked my teeth into the 2nd slice of cheesecake for this morning. Decided to find out how much calories i was consuming since i was surfing aimlessly.

650 calories per slice.

i stopped. i had just consumed 975 calories for breakfast. Sinful sinful sinful! I can feel all the fats bulging out at the worst possible places! EEEEW!!

Anyway, been very busy (as usual..)! Tmr gotta attend some LIVE forum in sch about the SIN-US FTA. So dense... *sob* After that i gotta change into some kick ass corporate garb for my mgt accounting presentation. And we aren't even halfway done. So screwed.

Its so weird, sch has just started but its abt to end! Exams are in Nov so there's abt 1 mth or less worth of classes only. And yrs truly just bought the Biz Law textbook YESTERDAY. Ha! Only bcos i hv a common test next wed! Lalala..

I will be more hardworking.
I will prepare for class.
I will pay attn for ALL classes.
I will do revision.

But a little too late to start this term ain't it? Well, i'll start the next term! Muahaha..

Oh, another amazing fact! I miss ICT. I miss the pp and the lecturers and Angela! *sigh*

Penned on: 9/23/2004 10:56:00 am

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Im tired.

Penned on: 9/14/2004 09:19:00 pm

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Tidbit for everyone:

A video clip of a young korean girl dancing. She rocks!!

Penned on: 9/07/2004 05:34:00 pm

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Congrats on making through the selection for Timor Leste YEP! .....

Im going to East Timor this December. Yeah, you read it right, east timor is that very chaotic place.. UN is totally pulling out of East TImor soon. So it's now or never. Its a community service project and I'll be leaving on the first week of Dec and be back before Christmas. I'm gonna spend another bdae in a foreign land.. =)

My first test is coming up this Friday. Management Accounting. I am still lost abt the CVP graph and etc! Uncle Bao~ jiu ming ah!!! Haha.. I shall go study right now.. dum di dum..

Penned on: 9/05/2004 01:11:00 pm

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Im so damn tired, thus i slept n slept n slept. I skipped my biz law class today. Im screwed. I can visualise myself missing lots of things and not knowing anything that they all know. Darn.

And now i gotta go to school for the most diff class of all, Analytical Skills. How difficult can analysing things be? EXTREMELY. I need a humongous brain.

Okie, school time. Bye. =(

Penned on: 9/01/2004 11:40:00 am

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