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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Omigod.. I didnt realise its been such a long time since i updated my blog. I've been really busy.

Firstly, i've started schooling for 2 weeks alrdy. The only problem i have is that people are too studious! EVERYONE prepares for class! EVERYONE studies in their free time! Some pp even hv multiple textbooks for class! So it is a little stressful studying amongst them. But im still pretti excited abt sch till now so its a good sign! =)

Next exciting thing, got my dad to sign up for Maxonline 3000! Muahaha.. I shall make my hse wireless by next week.. Lalala! But i gotta clear all the obstacles to the desktop in my room first.. I hate cleaning up.. =(

Ok, gotta read my textbooks! *yuck* Will update soon!!

Penned on: 8/29/2004 02:56:00 pm

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Busy busy busy... I need a break! And my break is coming this Sunday! Muahaha! I can't wait... *twinkling eyes* Today is matriculation day. Wanted to do it in the morning so that i cld hv time to pack my stuff but the stupid bank made me wait for TWO HOURS for a little verification! (>,<)

Anyway, matri was pretti fast. The stupidest stuff was lectures & networking game i had to go thru.. And guess what? Instead of getting to know more pp i've added like 10 pp to my im-not-interested-to-know-u-any-further list.

Oh but there is a ray of light for me! I saw a fellow ICT student while leaving! Avelyn *i tink*! And she is taking the same course n lives near me! Muahaha.. Fantastic..

Oh! I coloured my hair last night! I like.. =P Thanks Ric! Ok, major major headache. I need retail therapy.. I want the BCBGirls heels!!

So gorgeous right!! *drool*

Penned on: 8/05/2004 06:46:00 pm

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