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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Sunday afternoon, yours truly was feeling really upset. Don't ask me why but i just felt like cleaning the bathroom. So i went to the supermarket and bought all sorts of detergents and what not to start my cleaning...

1.5 hrs later...

My toilet bowl looks like brand new! Muahaha.. I nv realised my bathroom cld be so clean. Now i feel a sense of pride whenever i walk into the bathroom. And NO, im not gonna clean yr toilets for you! DUH... And i gotta say that HARPIC really works wonder for a terrible terrible toilet bowl as they claimed in their adverts!

Felt really emotional after reading something a friend wrote:

"happy memories quite bittersweet - sweet because happy; bitter because memories. the past shouldn't be happier than the present."

I cried after reading this. He is so right. People always say that its ok as long as the memories are happy ones.. But they are wrong and moving in the wrong direction. One shldnt be looking back at happiness but look forward to it. Its tragic cos no matter how beautiful the memory was, it is only but a memory cause you no longer have it. How happy are you if you had to look back at your memories and say "i was so happy then.." or "i used to hv it.."?

Most of us have been living a life moulded against society's conventions. You know what? Screw it. Life is short and fragile. What's the use of being generally accepted by the social eye but thus leading an unhappy life in this process? You only have one live. Live it for yourself not for others. As long as you're happy (of cos without causing any grievous damage to pp like death or whatever), thats all that matters. 

1. Never wear the same thing twice in 2 weeks.
2. Makeup: less is more.

To validate my point:

See what i mean?

Penned on: 7/27/2004 11:11:00 am

Friday, July 23, 2004

++ My JC Mates ++

Ok, the pic has nothing to do with my post.. Just wanna show u peeps my ex-classmates. Ha. Quite a number of people didn't turn up for the gathering on 2 Jul (yes its very long ago..) but still it was great fun.

And yes, i FINALLY changed my layout. I shall skin anybody that says it isnt nice cos it is GORGEOUS like me. *muahaha* This layout was actually green *puke* but of cos i changed it to this gorgeous colour n etc.. Wee~!

Somehow these 2 weeks hv been pretti busy for me... And no SG, im not busy with admirers! So sad, u nv miss me..  *sob* Ni bu ai wo le! :( Even tho i dun tell u in yr face, i def miss u lots.. Must meet me next week hor or else i will.. i will... i will cry! Haha.. Maybe a movie? Carmen.. wanna join us? *blink*

Today i shall contribute another excerpt from Legends of the A..


J slumps into her chair getting ready to block out A's noise with Class 95FM. But alas, J cld not escape the calamity that follows.

A: "Hey C, do u wanna get to kw a model?"
C: "Erm, nope. Why?"
A: "Oh, cos this model wants to kw me & im trying to get rid of him"
J: (-_-"")


A's moral of the story? To highlight that a model is interested in her. But at the expense of C of cos. How insensitive can u get? Its like ur trying to say C cant get a model admirer or an admirer for that matter. DUH.

And today i have so much things to say.. Maybe cos i haven't been blogging religiously soooo u guys gotta bear with my vormit of information. Haha!


Im 80% confirmed for the Graduation on Aug 19. Well, provided i can get shoes to match my clothes.. Lalala! But still pretty turned off by the early time!

Yes, its official. I'm starting school on Aug 16 in SMU. For those who are interested, im taking the Bachelor of Business Management and im going to skip my orientation! I'm very excited abt starting sch tho.. I need lots of new stuff for sch! Ok, make that i WANT lots of new stuff for sch. =P! Tote bag, pencil case, stationery, clothes, perfume, laptop! I want an iMac!! *drool*

I'm inspired after watching Mean Girls. Ha. So here is my first entry:
1. NEVER wear the same thing twice in 2 weeks.

Penned on: 7/23/2004 04:01:00 pm

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I CANNOT STAND Miss A. Even before D came back fr Philadelphia, she has been ranting abt wanting to eat at DKNY cafe. But when we said we will go there for lunch she rejected and said wanna wait for D to come back. Currently, D is back and still on his diet thus abstaining fr high calorie and fat food. This was what happened moments ago:

A: Whats for lunch?
D: What do you suggest?
A: *eyes lighting up* DK?
D: Bu yao..
A: You can hv garden salad!
D: *shake head* Lets hv Subway.

*A speaks to CS in mandarin*
A: At the rate he is going, we wont get to hv good food.
J: (>,<")

She wants to eat it with D cos D will pick the tab and she gets to eat for free. She NEVER fails to get on my nerves. Its just nine bucks! If ur not willing to pay, DUN EAT!

Two days ago, a baby cockroach scurried out of her side of the table. Fyi, I HATE N FEAR COCKROACHES. I cld hv killed her. Her side of the table is bloody messy n she doesnt clean after she eats!! And now, she brought cockroaches here. Fantastic.

Life was so peaceful and QUIET for the last week... Till she decided to appear AGAIN!! Every five minutes...

*A with high pitched voice*
A: D...!! Thats so mean...!

Somebody pls kill me.

Penned on: 7/14/2004 01:35:00 pm

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Been very lazy these days. But i shall resolve to be more hardworking!

:: Clean & revamp my room
:: Change blog skin
:: Save money

I've been buying at least 1 item for myself daily. e.g. yesterday i bought 1 set of lingerie and 1 pair of shoes. Thats 3 items alrdy! Darn..

*chant* I will stop buying stuff...
Ok, thats not possible.
*chant again* I will not buy so much stuff. =)

Oh, my VS stuff r finally here! But all my gorgeous sleepwear is TOO BIG! I need to hv Pamela Anderson's boobs to fill those chemise! *grumble*

Parting note:
Ku ku ku

Im bored.

Penned on: 7/08/2004 05:23:00 pm

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