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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

My gorgeous left knee is now very ugly. I fell down while blading. Grr! So unglam! Pray that no suave guys sees me during this period. Ha!

I might just aspire to be a maid from now on. Our neighbour's maid came over to pass her something today. She carries a Gucci. (>,<)

So who wants to employ me as a maid? I want high pay and fringe benefits should include free guccis and manolos. Ha.

Penned on: 6/29/2004 10:42:00 am

Thursday, June 24, 2004

To Christin:

Even tho we dun hang out together that often, will be missing you very much. U nv fail to make me smile with your sincere hugs n stuff. Take care of yourself while you're there k? Keep in touch k? Luv ya! *muacks*

Penned on: 6/24/2004 03:29:00 pm

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I is very sad today.
Today is Linkin Park's one night gig.
I is not going.
But many of me friends r going.
I hate all of u.
Its ok, i still have robbie.

No, i still hate all of u.
I is still very sad.

Penned on: 6/22/2004 04:48:00 pm

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Evidence to prove that this bestest friend of mine is evil.

me (11:23 PM) :
cos dunno wat i saw n felt then suddenly told myself i must stop buying trashy clothes..
me (11:23 PM) :
maybe cos of all the kids in town...
she (11:23 PM) :
hahahahah grow up oredi ar
me (11:23 PM) :
haha.. dunno lah..
she (11:23 PM) :
but muz got chance to wear mah
me (11:23 PM) :
i tink its temp only la
she (11:24 PM) :
yar i oso think so
me (11:24 PM) :
but i really tink i shld stop buying trashy clothes lah.
she (11:24 PM) :
haaha hmm gd la save money
me (11:24 PM) :
no leh..
she (11:24 PM) :
ok give me the money
she (11:25 PM) :
i help u to save
me (11:25 PM) :
buying decent n nice clothings are gonna cost me more!!
she (11:25 PM) :
i m a saver
me (11:25 PM) :
yeah rite.
she (11:25 PM) :
hahahahahha u want to buy decent clothes ar
she (11:25 PM) :
dear jamie, until now, u havent realise ar...........
me (11:25 PM) :
me (11:25 PM) :
havent realise wat?
she (11:25 PM) :
the clothes look decent on the rack but NOT ON U
me (11:26 PM) :

Penned on: 6/15/2004 11:25:00 pm

Monday, June 14, 2004

Omigod this character Monya is soooo cute!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4

Penned on: 6/14/2004 03:18:00 pm

Dear all, please join me in cursing all the morons that work at NUS's Office of Admissions. These idiots can tell me that i need to wait till end of this mth for an answer when their spokesperson had announced publicly that they will give an answer to all those on waiting list by end of this week!


My gorgeous day is totally spoilt by those 2 NU-asses i spoke to over the phone!
Not to mention the fact that one of my fav chocos tasted like shit this morning.
Not to mention the fact that im having my almost-never-ever-happen-cramps.
Not to mention the fact that im having one of my worst i-fee-fat days.
Not to mention the fact that some ah neh stepped on my feet twice in 3 seconds.
Not to mention the fact that SMU refuses to extend my acceptance deadline.
Not to mention the fact that one of my bestest friend told the whole world that i said she is evil.

*curse curse curse*

P.S. Im not affected by the last one. Just felt like disturbing her. Muahaha..

Penned on: 6/14/2004 11:29:00 am

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I've been attacked by the killer flush again. The stupid flush in the first ladies cubicle has a habit of splashing its eeky water on me as it cleanses itself. Why me?!

Grr. I vow nv to use that cubicle again.
Ok, unless its an emergency.

Penned on: 6/09/2004 12:37:00 pm

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Someone said my thighs got bigger. Grr.. I shall start on my low fat diet!! *tho i tink i won't last for long*

Was asked to go hm urgently last evening. My great grandmother died. The best thing is i didn't even kw she still existed till last night. Went through some prayers and has to say our last goodbyes to her.

I looked at her. No recollection at all. But she bore an uncanny resemblance to my grandmother. Almost identical except that she is much older.

I cld hv killed the bloody bitch last night. I greeted my aunt when i saw her n she came over to pull me away saying out loud that i cannot greet them till they apologise to her. Then scolded me and said her regular nonsense to me. But i shouted at her to shuddup and get lost. Im like WTF! Its a freaking funeral & she came to KPKB instead of paying her last respects. So many more of such moronic displays last night!

I hate her.
I hate her.
I hate her.

I really wish she wld get banged down by a car or drop dead the next second.
I don't give a shit abt her.
Just get out of my gorgeous life.

OOH! There are soooo many things that i wanna get! I found my current to-die-for-phone!!

+ my current dream phone +

Motorola v600! But havent been hearing good reviews for motorola stuff tho.. Shld i fall into the nokia trap or shld i just risk buying this phone.. Choices choices.. My dearest hammie advised till she has no more saliva left. Muahaha..

I wanna buy stuff fr Victoria's Secrets!!! So bestest friends, r we still purchasing stuff fr US huh huh huh?

Penned on: 6/08/2004 11:35:00 am

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Penned on: 6/01/2004 01:57:00 pm

Had dinner with some friends n a lecturer at Fish & Co last night. Had lots of fun! We gossiped abt soooo many things and people. Muahaha!

I was unanimously branded a VASE. All my fantastic friends even came up with gestures and moves to complement that name. -_-"

Got a lift hm fr the lecturer n i gotta say he is such a gentlemen. He actually walked over to my side of the car, opened and closed the door after me. W O W . 5 stars for that! *****!

Such a simple yet sweet gesture. All guys shld learn man.. I tink its the first time a guy actually did this for me. *swoon* Haha..

Probably going clubbing tonight. Meeting my dearest hammie tonight. Muahaha!

Penned on: 6/01/2004 12:10:00 pm

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