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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Here's a story abt a thick skin guy...

Last sat, i attended a 21st bdae party of a friend. My friends and i were trying to get a good look at a guy named Michael who was apparently interested in the bdae girl.. Somehow this guy gives the im-damn-suave look and vibe even tho he is far from it.

Come monday, bdae girl came in and said Micheal told her:

"Hey you know the girl in pink that day? She was walking up and down, playing with her hair in front of me the whole night. Dunno what is she trying to do to me.."

Im like HELLO! Look at yourself in the freaking mirror! Who wld wanna look at some guy with no dress sense, walks like a limping ah beng and exudes the im-damn-good-looking air when he is not even near average! I was trying to flirt n hook him up? HA. Just kill me.

Today, bdae girl said she told Micheal that we laughed abt the way he walks with the im-damn-good-looking style and of cos that i denied flirting with him. Micheal said:

"Its ok, at least i made pp happy.. blah blah blah"
"And oh, could you please tell the girl in pink that she is really hot?"

What's wrong with this freaking guy?
Rule number 101: Nv ask a girl u like to tell a girlfriend that she is hot.

Men. Ha. *shakes head*

Penned on: 5/25/2004 05:34:00 pm

Finally got a new skin. I kinda like this but don't think its gonna stay for long cos i prefer simpler skins. Oh well.

Im so freaking fed up with the accounts for prom. For a first, we do not have enuf money and secondly the accounts don't balance! Damn shitty..

Dear SG, sorry i've not been contacting or spending time with you but im kinda caught up with all these crap for now. AARRGGH! Anyway, when r u free? Go KL!!! =P

Penned on: 5/25/2004 04:59:00 pm

Monday, May 17, 2004

After so many mths of anticipation the prom finally happened. But sad to say it was a great disappointment on my personal scale.

Everything that i've heard so far is negative. Boring, stupid, low class, lousy food blah blah blah. Nobody had anything good to say except the diplomatic "u guys did a great job".

I actually had such a fantastic vibe when i went into the ballroom at 5.30pm. I saw dedicated Ritz Carlton staff doing up the tables, fantastic music playing, great lightings, performers practising hard.. N the banner.. The banner that said it all. I actually thot the night wld be great. But it turned out otherwise.

I am disappointed. I thought it would be better. I expected more from myself. N i was so angry with myself when everything went so wrong. I felt like i had let 299 people down.

To all my committee members, thank u for everything.
Im sorry it wasnt perfect.

To all that came and left disappointed, thank you for coming.
Im sorry it wasnt up to yr expectations.

Penned on: 5/17/2004 07:26:00 pm

Ok, today is not that bad after all. We managed to find that stupid camera. All of us left it in the hotel room. -_-"

And the next great news is, i got an offer from SMU too. Still waiting for NUS..

Penned on: 5/17/2004 07:12:00 pm

Today is a fucked up day. F U C K E D U P !!! Everything is going on and more and more problems surface with every passing bloody second! OOF!!!

Penned on: 5/17/2004 12:12:00 pm

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Its the big day today. I only had 4 hours of sleep. Very worried. I knew problems wld arise and the first problem came at 11am. Our street magician had some emergency to handle in korea n cant make it. Hope things r fine on his side n he makes it back in time. Oh, please make sure everything goes well.. *fingers crossed*

For those who r going tonight, enjoy. =)

Penned on: 5/13/2004 01:03:00 pm

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Woah.. Been a long time since i blogged. Reason being, nothing exciting in my life.

Anyway, the big day is coming. ICT Prom Night 04 is on this coming thurs. Yet we still have lots of things to be done. U kw wats worst? Francis told me he had to fly back to India for an emergency. Not good at all.

Will be busy preparing the lucky draw stuff. I tink our prizes are damn attractive! Nokia 7200, weekend stay at ritz, crumpler bags, mont blanc pen etc etc! For now, just keeping my fingers crossed that everything will run smoothly. I do hope we hit the 300 pax ceiling.. *still praying*

I still have not found a damn dress to wear for the event. I am so screwed! How can there be NOTHING that catches my eye in all the stores! I hope ginger will be able to help me get something tmr.. *pray again*

Penned on: 5/09/2004 06:06:00 pm

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Was listening to my MP3s and trying to cross the road. I checked both directions twice. All clear except for an oncoming cab on my right. I looked. He signalled left. Thus he is turning into the carpark before me. I checked the other direction. Coast clear. I crossed. 2 seconds later, i saw the cab 2 inches away fr my right leg. That bugger went straight instead of turning left as signalled. I looked at him. He was cursing me. I gave him the i-cant-be-bothered-with-you look and continued crossing the road.

The full scenario only hit me when i reached the bus stop. I nearly got knocked down by that bloody cab. I was pissed with myself for not scolding that ass cos he was obviously at fault. N everyone at the bus stop was staring at me cos i didnt seem to hv any reaction even though i nearly got ran over. In fact, i didnt even feel anything even though it was such a close shave. Sheez.. Tmr will be a better day.. *yawn*

Penned on: 5/04/2004 12:53:00 am

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