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Monday, April 26, 2004

Went to bugis for lunch at carmen's workplace with terible yest! We had caesar salad n LxM PxH Jx sandwich! (too explicit to spell here.. Haha!). So filling!!! Dear Christin, how the hell do u finish both items plus a cake by yourself?!!

Yest i had an embarrassing moment. Was doing something on my phone and had my sim card between my lips. Moments later, it dropped right into my top!! But guess what, it didnt drop to the ground cos it landed on my *AHEM*.. Haha.. I had to put my hands it to retrieve it.. So xia suay..

Ticket sales still super slow. After the report fr the others, i tink we have not even hit 150. This is so bad. We r so so so screwed. I hope it bucks up soon else i dunno where am i gonna find money to pay the hotel. *sigh*

Penned on: 4/26/2004 10:34:00 am

Thursday, April 22, 2004

* Kevin Carter *

What you see here is a starving Sudanese child crawling towards a United Nations food camp, located abt a km away. The vulture sits nearby. Awaiting eagerly for the inevitable death of the child to eat her.

Kevin did not pick up the child cos journalists were warned never to touch famine victims who may have transmittable diseases. This picture that epitomized Sudan's famine won him the Pulitzer Award in 1994. Kevin committed suicide 2 mths later. One of his last words to a friend was, "I'm really, really sorry I didn't pick the child up."


You guys always ask:
Why do u make it a point to finish all the food?
Why do u reprimand pp for wasting food?

This is the very reason.

Its probably difficult to understand cos u hv nv been in one of these 3rd world countries to see for yourself how these pp hv suffered. U will nv fully realise how fortunate u are till u hv seen it.

U wld cry and feel like i did if u were there to hear the tragic stories behind each little life. When i looked at the children in their eyes, i saw and felt their fear, pain and torment.

Maybe i cant do much on my own. But at least i tried. Be ashamed of yourselves if u continued yr spoilt and take for granted attitude. All these could hv be put to better use instead of being wasted on u.

Penned on: 4/22/2004 02:51:00 pm

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Interview at SMU went well. I gave lots of alternative views when discussing the articles. But the essay was a killer. I totally didn't kw what to write!! Lets hope they do not place so much weightage on the essay. Ha!

Met up with one of my cousin studying in SMU. Been such a long time since i saw him. At least 4 years. But he didnt change much. Still the same.

Another bdae party tonight at Chinablack. Happy birthday Elephant! Haha..

Fri, another bdae again.. Goodness, no end to bdaes these few weeks..

Penned on: 4/21/2004 11:01:00 am

Friday, April 16, 2004

Just wanna tell everyone that i got called for an interview with SMU this coming tues. Wish me luck! =)

Penned on: 4/16/2004 09:51:00 pm

Tuesday, April 13, 2004


Im alrdy trying my best to get it fixed asap. Dun keep calling me and screaming into my ears. I didnt spoil that darn pc so dun speak to me with that bloody attitude when ur asking for a favour.

Penned on: 4/13/2004 06:21:00 pm

Monday, April 12, 2004

6 mths of sheer torture and hardwork. Its finally over. Cheers everyone! Haha.. No more FYP! Weeee~!

My whole body is aching for some reason. I only had 3 hours of sleep last night. I need some fantastic food to revitalise myself...

Shopping. I need to shop. *snigger*
Which of u wanna volunteer time to shop w me?

Penned on: 4/12/2004 11:52:00 am

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Just had my stupid electricity test... I scored 26/50! Haha.. its a pathetic score but at least i passed considering the fact that i didnt study. *grin*

FYP report. I've been working on it the last few days and it hasnt been moving as quickly as i want it to be.. Not good. Will be working on it the WHOLE of today and tmr. *sigh* I need some retail therapy. Haha.. Im gonna buy that Roxy bikini i've been eyeing! Donch care.. Lalala..

Once i get through next week, i shld hv more free time. Then i can meet up with all the pp that ive been missing and neglecting. U kw who u r.. =)

Right, report time.

Penned on: 4/10/2004 12:33:00 pm

Thursday, April 08, 2004

I missed you very much.
But did u miss me as much as i've missed u?

Take me where you are.
Where we can be together and forever free.

I love you more than u can imagine.
But did u love me as much as i hoped u did?

Don't say you'll leave me.
You took my heart the moment i said i loved u.

Penned on: 4/08/2004 10:12:00 pm

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Wasnt in the best of mood yest. Didnt realised a bastard was trying to get fresh with me. He was standing behind me and just leaned his whole body on me esp his crotch. At first i thot it was bcos the train was crowded thus i moved forward. Then it happened again. I was too preoccupied with my thots to realise his evil intentions. And this bastard selected me among the whole train of pp.

To that bastard:
Your were lucky cos i wasnt feeling right yest to react or do anything. But ur a pathetic worm, having to resort to such tactics to touch a lady.

Penned on: 4/07/2004 10:21:00 am

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