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Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Right.. Just to clarify things. Im not in depression. I'm not a lesbian!!! In fact, i love men n will die without one.. Muahaha..

Another milestone for my FYP today. We are having the project demo in the evening. Its 20% and i hope all of us will do well for it. I had to wear long sleeved shirt, skirt and heels. EEK.

I need to go on a holiday... Need to relax. Need to shop. *hint to bestest friends*


I need a new phone. My hp is functional of cos. But im starting to despise it. Its too ugly!!
I want a metal clam shell phone. *repeat after me: Samsung SGH700A*

Sales for prom night has started. They hv not sold a single ticket as i expected. Not because they r incompetent of cos. Its just the wrong venue.. Only making them do this to satisfy the lecturers. Im sure we will start selling them off soon. But we all need to work doubly hard. It will be a gorgeous night. =)

Penned on: 3/31/2004 02:09:00 pm

Monday, March 29, 2004

It took me awhile before i realised u were talking abt me. I did call back but cant get thru at all despite numerous attempts. Didnt dare to call u cos i tink u wld still be very cold to me..

After all these times, i kw im impt to u even though u dun say it. I dun show my affections publicly either.. Its more of a background thingy.. Sometimes when im troubled i keep it to myself instead of telling u cos i kw u wld over react juz cos i mean so so much to u. U seldomly confide yr probs to me too.. So i tink u kw wat im trying to say and how i feel.

I used to think i was insignificant. That nobody really cared abt me. That i can only depend on myself no matter wat happened. But things changed after i met you. I started feeling loved and being taken care of. Every moment spent with you made me happi. i kw that no matter wat happens u wld always be there for me.

I used to wait for u to finish work, help out at the store, rot together, shopping for hours, go listen to her sing, fool ard etc. I missed those times so much. I was the happiest at that period cos everything was so perfect. Everyone in SBPL was nice to me, i enjoyed my work, i had you and it just felt like i had a family that loved me.

But its difficult to maintain that now cos we are both very busy with our own work and etc. I cant afford to stay out really late cos i hv sch or work early next morn etc. So i actually treasure every meeting we have. But you get really pissed with me whenever i fly your kite. Im always at a loss whenever that happens cos i nv ever meant to do it. I just dun hv a choice. But u wld go "whatever", "whats new" etc etc and it makes me very sad cos i dunno wat to do or how to explain myself.

I dun care wat others tink abt me.. But wat u tink abt me matters alot to me. Everything to do with u matters alot to me. Ur the last person that i wld want to hv getting angry at me.

Like i said, its diff to put alot abt how i feel into words. But just know that ur the most important person in my life and that i would not want to do rock that solid friendship & kinship we have.

U dun need to tell me verbally how much i matter to u cos i can feel it.
Smile and be happi cos thats wat makes u special. =)

Penned on: 3/29/2004 07:32:00 pm

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Sigh. I did it again. I made her upset with me AGAIN. Pls dun be angry with me.

I dunno how to explain myself. But pls kw that i did it cos i didnt want to upset u.

Not bcos i want to hide anything fr you.
Not bcos i tink you're violent.
Not anything except the fact that you mean alot to me.


Penned on: 3/25/2004 09:52:00 am

Monday, March 22, 2004

Went to Dbl O on Sat night.. Cldnt enjoy myself cos i saw someone that i didnt wanna meet ever again in my life.

We were supposed to become an item long long time ago. But this bastard told me that i wasnt even pretti enuf for him and pp were questioning y he is even thinking of being with me. He gave my hp number to other guys and even told them that im easy and that they can take me if they dun mind using worn shoes. Yes, screwed up piece of shit.

I didnt think it was necessary to hv this bastard anywhere near my life again. So i didnt tell u abt it cos i know u wld have tried to done something.. Sorry. But im over him. I dun need some sucker to tell me im beautiful or not good enuf for him. Cos i kw i hv and deserve that much more than he tinks i am.

Penned on: 3/22/2004 09:39:00 am

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Found this really nice site with pics of Nepal.

I miss Nepal!!

Penned on: 3/18/2004 02:46:00 pm

Its bad enuf feeling sick today. But I had to be the target of a grp of ah beng wannabes on my way to work.

i sat in an empty cabin.. N 16 guys fr the adjacent cabin came over n sat all around me.. Discussing abt me OPENLY and took pics of me using their camera phone. They blasted their techno music and did those ah beng canto pop sounds... Sheez!

I was in no mood or state to confront them. Y waste my time on a batch of poseurs.

Saw a dead pigeon on the road. It had been ran over by countless number of cars alrdy. Felt sad for it...

Jeff was very nice. Burned a cd full of MP3s for me. 123 songs to be exact. N im only at the 8th song. But so far so good.. I like placebo's music... =)

Penned on: 3/18/2004 11:26:00 am

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Went on a date with my part-time bf and elephant last night. Ha! We caught the movie Honey! Omigod.. it is so so nice~! Everybody dances super well in the show! I wanna dance like them man.. Teri and myself had the clubbing mood right after the show man.. *tombs ta tombs ta* Let's go clubbing soon! Heehee! Wed, 31st of Mar okie? That's my last day in the office.. Heehee.. And the princess doesnt need to go sch on thurs! Muahaha..

My high sch pal called me last night... She suddenly broke down in the middle of my conversation with her and hung up not long after. I msged her to check if she is ok.. She told me that she is with that bastard now. But he also brought the ex-gf along and is gonna send the ex-gf hm instead of her.

I felt sorry for her. But at the same time, im hoping this guy will be as evil as possible to her so that she will give up all thots of being with this good for nothing.

I tink im like her best friend. And that makes me feel bad cos i hv not been spending enuf time and effort on helping her thru this difficult phase. I hv too much things of my own to handle and thats all the time that i can afford.

I kw ur not gonna read this but im sorry i haven't been there as much as u needed me to. There is only so much that i can do as a bystander and a friend. Nobody can help u except yourself. Pls wake up from this nightmare soon.

Penned on: 3/16/2004 03:00:00 pm

Monday, March 15, 2004

Another day in the sad life of myself as a disgruntled commuter on the train ride to work. The ride today is fantastic. I got both feet rolled over by a baby pram, 5 different pp touching or lying on me, 3 idiots grabbing me instead of the bloody pole, my feet got trampled by 4 pairs of heels and i ws shoved around by a min of 20 pp.

My cabin was packed to the brim when it left amk. But its amazing how 7 pp manage to board at every stop when there is just 1 person alighting.

There will be no end to my sad commuter life. I hate peak hour commuters! Except for myself of cos. *grin*

Penned on: 3/15/2004 09:26:00 am

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

THE STUPID PIMPLE ON MY NOSE IS HURTING ME!! Grrr.. wat's wrong with these oil bumps! y do they hurt so much and always appear on my nose! Aarrggh..!

Watched mystic river last night. Not too bad even though i fell asleep at one point cos it was getting draggy. Next show to watch: HONEY!

Dear Hamtaro, u wanna date me out to watch Honey huh huh huH? *grin*

Met up w a high sch pal last night. She is having problems w her marriage. A 3rd party is involved. N the prob doesnt lie with the husband. Its her. *sigh*

I worry for the baby. Not even 1 yr old. I dun understand y she still wants to be w that guy when he is a good for nothing that always asks her for money, still hangs out super frequently w his ex gf & doesnt even promise to be committed to her. She is juz an affair/fling to him. You know wat's the worst? He lays her hands on her. Yet, she still wants to be with him.

I talked to the hubby for 1.5hrs today. He is indeed understanding. She is lucky to hv found him. He knows that the 2 of them hv gone further than just holding hands and kissing even though she denies it. He has officially been made a cuckold. Yet, he is willing to forget all these and take care of her like b4 if she is willing to give the 3rd party up completely. He loves her so much. So much that he cld tolerate all these nonsense from her.

I really dun wanna see them go to splitsville cos i kw she wld be better off with her hubby and he will take care of her. I cant imagine what will happen to the child. He will grow up and hate the mum for leaving the father for some ass. For being selfish. For dumping him like trash when he is not even 1 yr old.

With all due respect, I dun believe in God. But if there is some good supernatural stuff in this universe, make her think straight. Give me the power to talk her to her senses. She has been cheated by men all her life till she met her husband. Dun put her thru all the shit again. Return this family the happiness they once had 10 mths ago.

Penned on: 3/10/2004 01:42:00 pm

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Its pouring outside.. Very cold but i like the whole dark gloomy effect. Went for a ktv session on sunday with my bestest friends.

I drank BEER.

Its been like 5-7 years since i touched a single drop of beer. It was not bad as before but still bad! Haha.. Every mouthful i took, my mind goes "pot belly pot belly" even though bellies come fr long term beer drinking. Ha! But i had fun. Alvanarama's singing was not bad and he did a mean copy of Zhang Guorong! Haha..

We changed our present exchange thingy. Instead of buying 1 for everyone, we drew lots and gotta buy prezzie for 1 person. I dun wanna buy prezzie for XXX!! Not bcos its difficult(buying prezzies is nv difficult), juz cause i dun wanna buy for him/her.. Muahaha.. But its kinda exciting cos i dunno who is buying for me. I was hoping its goondugoo but its not her!! Haha..

Im guessing its piggieweenie cause dodomelodybird shot a look at goodugoo after she found out who she is buying for. I hope its not Swanie though cos i can alrdy predict what she is gonna buy, some dolphin, swan or flower ornamental glassware. Haha!

Penned on: 3/09/2004 09:56:00 am

Thursday, March 04, 2004

This morning is weird.....! I feel lethargic yet so refreshed. Its the gym session man..

Yes, i DID go to the gym. Attended 2 classes there. The first Huiyi asked me to attend was "stationary biking". I thot to myself:

"HUH? Y do u even need a class for stationary bikes? Nvm, juz attend lah.."

At first it was the norm, peddling n blah blah.. then increasing resistence bit by bit. I was on the brink of death after 10 mins. Yes i suck.. But i perservered!! N then came the tough parts! We had to RUN on the bike. Meaning, butts off the super uncomfy seat, hands holding on for SUPPORT only. Omigod, it was tough man.. I looked around n saw the guys in the class perspiring buckets and peddling super darn fast. I glanced at my watch. 20 mins alrdy! N i thot:

"Oh great! Gonna end soon!! 10 more mins.. Hurhur.."

At this very moment, the instructor Lester said:

"Sorry to disappoint u if u tink class is gonna end soon. NO ONE, i repeat, NO ONE is leaving this class till 1 hour is up."

My jaw dropped. 1 freaking hour! But i managed to survive.. After that she got me to go for "Body Balance" class. Nothing streneous.. All stretching and minor workout. The best thing abt that class was the instructor. Haha.. Huiyi told me he is gay. I was like, "im cool with that..". But once workout started i had to restrain myself from laughing out loud.

Everytime we did something that required any form of stretching, he wld go something like:

"Alright, lower now.."
*cries out like he is havin orgasms*

"Yeah.. Hows that? Good right? Alright even lower.. Feel that stretch!"
*orgasmic cries coupled with fulfilled smile*

Omigod.. I cld die laughing! I seriously dun understand y he had to make those sounds! But it kept me entertained for that hour. My fav was the steam room! Muahaha.. Damn shiok! Came out with flushed cheeks after 15 mins.. COOL..

But that workout was in vain cos i downed char kuey teow, fried oyster and fried fish dumpling noodles! Muahaha..

Penned on: 3/04/2004 09:54:00 am

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

I curse that stupid ass in the mrt juz now! CURSE U!!! He kicked my calves when he boarded to grab an empty seat. When he alighted he shoved and kicked me again till i nearly fell! GRRR..

Dear whoever,
Pls make that stupid ass fall whenever he THINKS of pushing his way thru anything. Make him pee in his pants and fall head over heels down the staircase or escalator!

On a brighter note, im FINALLY gonna start exercising. Muahaha.. Going to da gym with huiyi later.. Lets hope i dun collapse 5 mins thru the session. Muahaha.. N im gonna go jogging with my bestest friends at 7AM on sunday mornings from now on! Ha.. Actually not very keen on running lah.. But agreed juz cos its them i will be accompanying and was "seduced" by dodo's sms abt chatting while exercising. Hee.. Somehow i foresee us brisk walking and gossiping non stop instead of jogging as planned. Muahaha..

Penned on: 3/03/2004 11:13:00 am

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