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Thursday, January 29, 2004

Having probs with some code.. Waiting for Mr Cyclone to come to my aid.

Last night's American Idol was fantabulous!! So exciting! Simon gets splashed with water fr a disgruntled contestant, division between the judges, all 3 judges stormed out at some point, a really FAKE female contestant, lots of horrible singing! My gosh, i nearly died of laughter watching the show.. If there is a repeat of this episode.. You shld not miss it!

Oscar's coming up. Was reading a local free newspaper and they mentioned that the director of "City of God" shld not be nominated. I totally disagree. "City of God" is such a fantastic show. If you ask me, i think these pp are just stereotypes. They prob ran out of things to write and just had to say something stupid like this. Catch the show on dvd if u can. I swear u wont regret it.

Where is Cyclone??!!

Penned on: 1/29/2004 11:48:00 am

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Still in office, but stopped coding cos im scanning my lappy for the new Novarg virus.. Can't take any chances when i hv so much impt stuff in my laptop. But this scanning thing is making my lappy darn slow. Thus, i shall take the chance to write a very long blog!

Grad Nite
Im still hoping to find a better theme for prom. But i tink we won't get anymore ideas. Even a professional copywriter cant tink of one for me!!! Drats..

Despite having 10 out of the original 13 in the comm, i kw there are at least 2 more pp that are not so committed to this event. Being in the comm is more of a responsibility than a want for them. The perfect scenario wld be to want and be responsible in the comm. But i tink its difficult eh? Let's hope those pp will feel otherwise soon.. Else i might hv to ask pp to leave again. And i really dun like doing that.

The bazaar has ended and we did slightly better than expected. Although total income was half of wat i forecasted, its still more than wat i thot we wld end up with. Much of the credit goes to the pp tending our stall. Thanks alot..

Received an email regarding a complaint fr retarded-dept.

"blahblahblah is held at xxxxxx from 26 Jan 04 to 28 Jan 04. Although we have switched on the lightings at the xxxxxx for the event, students still came to retarded-dept office to request for more lightings to be turned on. We believe that it is not appropriate for us to entertain such request from students.

We think that students should channel their requests to dept-with-no-ctrl-over-lightings who in turn can liase with retarded-dept office.

Please advise your students. "

Are these pp idiots or are they imbeciles? Y do we need to inform dept-with-no-ctrl-over-lightings b4 we inform retarded-dept regarding switching on of lightings? Since retarded-dept has access to the switches, y cant we just approach them directly and get them to switch it on for us? All it takes is just a flick of the finger.

We need to approach a dept-with-no-ctrl-over-lightings, get them to call/email the retarded-dept, wait for retards to take their own sweet time to respond to dept-with-no-ctrl-over-lightings, wait for dept-with-no-ctrl-over-lightings to respond to us, wait for retarded-dept to switch on the lightings.

Its just a freaking switch!!! Wats so difficult abt walking that few steps to flick the tiny switches? Whats with these pp? Y do they love red tape, wasting time and doing stupid stuff? Is it necessary to go thru such unneccessary procedures just to switch on the lights? I can nv understand these pp. NEVER.

Dear whoever,

There are lots of idiots in these world and its impossible to save them all. I totally understand that.. But cld u juz remove all these idiots fr my life FOREVER. Or u cld prevent them fr coming into contact with me. Burn away all their hair including eyebrows, lashes and even leg hair when they threaten to irritate me with their stupid antics.


Penned on: 1/28/2004 08:57:00 pm

Went down to sch yest and met so many friends! Kinda missed going to sch... Passing by smoking corner and saying hi to all the smoker friends, seeing classmates at the bus stop, talking nonsense with the girls during class, ice cream and chocolate sessions, hanging out and laughing in society room... *sigh*

Was pretti disappointed when i saw the bazaar. Not many pp and very quiet. I walked in fr the back and saw the stall owners talking among themselves cos there was NO biz at all. I felt bad for the stalls at the back... And there were only a total of 7 stalls yest instead of the 13 we were supposed to hv. Our stall was right at the front and biz seems alright. We actually made a fair bit of sales.

Our dept's staff were quite supportive. Angela came to buy socks, some came to say hi.. Even our IT support staff came to buy stuff! Haha.. I muz find out his name. When we were in Year 1 and 2, this guy always gets assigned to our class to solve technical probs for the 4 of us. And we wld also talk nonsense with him even when we meet him in the lift.. Haha.. Nice nice.

Many thanks to Nicholas. I tink all of us wld hv died without him. When i arrived in sch yest he was no where to be seen. Minutes later i see him running back and putting up little posters at our stall with huge beads of perspiration dripping fr his face. He was the one that carried all the tables, came to sch at 8am daily to prepare and setup, stay till everything ended, handled admin stuff, keep all the stock, bought drinks for us and etc etc. Really grateful...

Our nail art stall was not bad either. Its pretti messy cos there were SOoO many of us and stuff.. But the turn out wasnt that bad.. Elina! U must brush up yr skills on applying nail colours.. Haha.. I have to say the girls were great too. They brought consignment stuff in to sell, did nail art etc etc.. Great job!

Just found out we gotta do our first integration on Thurs. I thot i only needed to provide interface to my java-bible desmond and always-look-asleep-in-the-morning samuel by thurs. Drats.. But im sure i can finish. Luckily fatherly-yet-sometimes-corny eddie informed me... Haha.. Will talk abt these 3 pp when im free later.. Right now, java-time!

Penned on: 1/28/2004 10:18:00 am

Monday, January 26, 2004

The bazaar starts today. My heart has been racing ever since the first call fr Nic at 9.38am. Ive been getting extreme response from pp:

"The bazaar is pathetic! Very little stuff esp our stall.."
"Everything is fine except our own stall"
"Alot of things to buy!!"
"Alot of crowd... Not sure abt sales.."
"Very little pp... They dun seem interested in the things.."
"No atmosphere.. below average.."
"Alot of empty tables..."
"No lights no music.."

AARGGHH!! Im going nuts soon! I wish i cld see everything for myself so that i know whats actually happening and can set my heart at ease.

CNY. Erm.. not too bad.. Some ups some downs.. My angbao tally is pathetic as usual but got to do some fun stuff! Generally okie. No chance to meet my 2 little darlings this week. Will stay over at their place this weekend. Miss their little squealing voice and smiles!

Which uni to go to? What course to take? Perplexing. I dun want anymore programming, so its either SMU or NTU. But i kw a professor at NUS that can help me get NOC (study at a US uni for 1 year) if i choose to go NUS. Con? I can only take Computing at NUS. This suxs big time!!

Project. Erm.. So far so good. But no motivation to complete it asap.. Simply no interest. Its becoming a drag to come to office cos i kw i hv to write codes and i absolutely ABHORE PROGRAMMING!! 3 more mths to freedom.

Penned on: 1/26/2004 03:24:00 pm

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Trouble loves to haunt in groups. Member of public called to complain abt banking cash into one of the comm members account. The deputy directors are at my heels. I wont be surprised to hear fr the director. We are suspended from looking for vendors. I still cant contact the person involved right now.

Cant get ice cream fr that supplier cos he said he is too busy to entertain us and will call us back on mon afternoon even though he knows we need it on mon morn. He said we asked too many questions, he isn't free to answer them and today is a half day. FYI, half day wld mean knocking off at 12 or 1pm. We called him at 11am.

My vendor told me some of the confirmed stalls are pulling out. But he will give me the final figure by tonight.

We only have 4 confirmed stalls now. I promised them 25. Don't you just love stuff like that? Life is just FANTASTIC.

Penned on: 1/21/2004 11:44:00 am

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Omigosh... Hectic days.. Was working pretti hard on the module. Showed my Project Manager today and appeased him for now. Haha.. Gonna do integration and testing by next week. I must make sure i finish everything these few days meaning, i gotta code during CNY. Drats..

Will be pretti busy these few days. Gotta do coding, get stalls for the bazaar, visit certain peeps, clean room, help godmum, go skin centre etc etc! Having a pimple breakout at this time certainly ain't helping!!

I'm very stressed about the bazaar. We are not getting enough stalls. I collected the deposit from one vendor today and she was alrdy asking for possible refund if business was bad! Pls make everything work out... I still gotta worry abt the bazaar on the following week! Goodness...

Penned on: 1/20/2004 08:58:00 pm

Friday, January 16, 2004

Just to clarify, the previous posts was not directed at just you even though most of the contents were relevant to u guys. You kw who u r. No use explaining. It wld only make things look more bleak than it is now. U can draw your own conclusions. My conscience is clear. No need to worry if yours is clear too. =)

Shout out 1:
I was only irritated by some of yr replies during our conversation yesterday. Nothing else cos I kw u did put in alot of efforts & etc into this thing. I appreciate all hard work. Really. I kw ur not feeling well, so take care.

Shout out 2:
I thot u wld be upset like the other cos i wld if i was u. But u amazed me with your reactions. Dun worry, everything's cool. It was more of a built up of frustration over time by many pp regarding this thing.. I kw u put in efforts as well.

Shout out 3:
Even though both of u won't get to read this. I miss both of you sooooo much! Tears were brimming while on the line with the both of you yesterday. Still as cute as ever. Really looking forward to seeing the 2 of u soon... Will stay over soon as promised.

I need some sleep. Was cleaning my room till 3.30am last night. Doing some spring cleaning for CNY since i was still pretti awake. I did a count of the stuff im gonna throw out.

+ 1 huge chinese fan
+ 1 vintage kite
+ 53 plush toys
+ 3 ceramic piggy bank
+ 1 plastic piggy bank
+ 6 ornaments
+ 3 photo frames
+ 4 mugs
+ 3 shell shaped soaps
+ And other nick nacks...

Despite the huge number of things im throwing out, my room doesnt seem any different. It doesn't look that cosy anymore bcos i took the curtains down to wash. My bed looks nicer cos i gave it a change of brand new sheets.

All that cleaning, dusting and vacuuming doesn't seem to show. Drats. My room ain't that big but i can't seem to ever finish cleaning it! I need to be more tidy so that my room wld look more like a girl's room. U wldnt kw its a girl's room unless u notice the pink stuff and the huge mountain of clothes piled everywhere!

I need to.. ZzzZzz...

Penned on: 1/16/2004 01:50:00 pm

Thursday, January 15, 2004

My first module's deadline is on monday. I hv four functions to do and i'm still stuck with the freaking UI. The last thing i need now is more problems. Wtf is wrong with them? Do u tink that i wanna push everything to u pp and be inflexible abt everything?! I HAVE NO FUCKING CHOICE! If i was given the luxury of time, i wld go down to school, do calling, help out in the event and whatever is necessary. But i can't!

I kw all of u hv classes, yr own FYP and other things to handle just like me. I really appreciate everything u guys are doing. But i'm alrdy trying my best. I dun even hv time of my own anymore! All of u are not kids. U cannot wait for me to spoon feed you with everything! If i cld settle everything myself, i wldn't trouble any of u nor need a comm!

U tink i wanna be inflexible? I refuse to budge cos these pp will ALWAYS ask for lower rent. N their demands are pretti absurd isnt it? If i cld provide everything i wld. But i can't. Which of u are willing to come and monitor them, collect and store their pdts, take responsibility for all the goods on top of everything else u gotta do for sch?

Of cos we can give them lower rent. But that only means more stalls required! If we dun get enuf stalls, we'll hv to organise more fund-raising events. Where the hell are we going to find so much time? Of cos we shld try to get everything done asap!

You say "cancel the event then". Of cos we can! But where are we going to get money? Even though we volunteered for this and are not paid or whatever, we made a COMMITMENT. Do u know wtf commitment is? We cannot juz call everything off bcos we cant find stalls or whatever. Of cos its not going to be easy! U tink money is going to fall off the trees for u to pick?

I assigned u guys stuff to do during the hols. How many of u really followed up on those tasks? I sent out countless emails! How many of u bothered replying or even reading emails? I have pp not wanting to come for meetings bcos they gotta wait for 2 hours and claim they were not informed abt it earlier etc etc etc. To hell with all your excuses!

U tink i enjoy making things difficult for u? U're irritated with me? Whatever cos the feeling's mutual. But i dun need to put up with all this shit.

Penned on: 1/15/2004 05:31:00 pm

I was a walking rainbow till 8.30pm last night. The stylist had coloured my hair a blondish yellow.. But bcos of my previous colour job, i ended up with at least 6 different shades of red and yellow! Everyone in the shop said i looked good. The principals cum owners even came over to compliment my stylist and me. I wasn't convinced but was forced to leave cos there were other customers in line.

After a 5 mins deliberation in the ladies while waiting for the rest of the gang to come, i decided that i can't live with it. I went back to the salon and asked the to redo my hair. They had to colour it all red cos the my previous colour was what the industry called Intense Red. U cld nv cover it with any colour other than red. Else, the only way was to let it grow out. But im definitely happier with being a walking red pkt, HK Ah Lian or whatever names my BESTEST FRIENDS had called me last night. It was way better than being a walking rainbow cos i looked like this!!

Had dinner at Cartel with my bestest friends-that-spared-no-mercy-with-names-for-my-hair. Cindy is now so damn skinny! She was 85kg.. But after regular walking trips and diets, she is now 56kg. Her lower body is so small!! She looks like a freaking chopstick now! I tink she has gone crazy with this whole dieting thing.. Her definition of "very heavy meals for today" was:

"erm.. one small plate of wanton mee, 1/3 or 2/3 of fried oyster lor"

She finished 1/3 of the small ice blended drink at Coffee Bean bcos "it is very sweet & fattening". She ordered fr the "For the under-eaters" portion of Cartel's menu and didnt even finish those few pathetic pcs of calamari & scallop whille the rest of us had cream pastas, ribs and seafood combo.

She told me she went on a 400 grams diet for some time. That means she can eat anything she like as long as the total weight of everything she eats for the day doesnt exceed 400 grams. I dun tink i ever had 400 grams of food xcept when i was a toddler. *shivers* I need to lose some weight.. Maybe i shld try her 400g diet too! Yeah rite.

Penned on: 1/15/2004 10:19:00 am

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

I promised myself not to spend anymore money.

I made Teri buy a pair of board shorts for me last night.
I bought a long sleeve shirt for daddy today.
Im definitely on the road to bankruptcy.

I will be seeing this on the ATM screen soon:

| XXX Bank of XXX |
| Welcome Jamie! |
| a/c no : 123456 |
| a/c bal : $00.03 |

But i dun tink i shld be faulted for buying daddy a shirt. I did make a resolution to be nicer to him and show more concern. So there.

My project is making good progress.. At least i tink so.. Haha. Gonna "groom" my hair after work tmr. More $$$ flying away. Drats.

Till tmr.

Penned on: 1/13/2004 06:43:00 pm

Monday, January 12, 2004

Oh, did i mention that part of my left high heel came off at 8pm last night? The tiny piece of rubber at the btm was totally worn out and just fell off. N last night was the first time i wore that pair of heels!

Time to meet teri! Yipeee!

Penned on: 1/12/2004 05:54:00 pm

Today started off fantabulously. But such happiness only lasted me 2 hours.

I went shopping with my bestest friends last night. Bought 10 tops and 2 pairs of shoes within 5 hours! Damn exciting and happy! Y so many? I didn't hv a choice since i looked nice in everything i tried! Haha.. Not trying to be shameless but somehow the clothes i tried yesterday all looked nice on me. But part of it is my bdae prez fr beloved Teri! *snigger*

I felt embarrassed asking her to pay for part of it but she said, "Just go ahead and buy lo!" *wahaha* Thanks sooooooo much! *muacks*

Woke up this morning still grinning fr ear to ear. Bounced off to wash up but realised my stomach hurts. Make a guess? Yes, my bestest illness is back. I've got diarrhoea AGAIN. Undeterred by the pain, i went abt my daily stuff and made my way work.

Bus journey to the mrt station... I was standing at the back door. One stupid uncle wanted to alight. Despite the MP3, Linkin Park's Numb, blasting in my ears, i cld hear that bastard say:

"Stupid stand here for wat! blah blah blah.."

Fuck lah! If i had space to move in that bloody bus do u tink i wanna stand at the bloody door and get a scolding by a freaking old balding ugly fuck for nothing?!

MRT. I had ALL the pedigrees of yucky commuters ard me today. Pole dancers, tofu eaters, frog man(pp w no backbone to stand properly) and etc! U name it i've got it! One caucasian guy even accidentally touched my boobs with one finger..

Office. Peaceful xcept for the fact that my Project Manager wants me to hand in my module by next mon. Reasonable but definitely stressed as well. I logged into my bank account online.. The pathetic figure in my account didn't help at all.. I can't buy anymore stuff. Im on the road to bankruptcy.. *pray for money to fall in front of me*

Lunchtime. A group of china students was sitting beside me. One of the guys came walking back with his plate of chicken rice and soup. He dropped everything and his lunch fell all over the floor next to me. My jeans and sandals were stained by his stupid soup and slightly scalded. And guess wat? He didn't even bother apologising to me nor the other guy that was also dirtied by his stupid food! He juz started complaining and sauntered back to his bloody seat!


Everything will get better from now.
It cant get any worse.
It had better not get any worse cause i will curse and swear the day away!

OOF!!! I need a Coke. *poof*

Penned on: 1/12/2004 02:11:00 pm

Friday, January 09, 2004

Wireless Java Jam yesterday. Spent the WHOLE day there! We won 4 top prizes and 2 merit prizes. We literally swept almost all the awards! I was actually a little sad that my team didnt win anything cause all my other friends won. I know i didnt put in that much effort and shldn't expect that much but still i cant help feeling down since everyone ard me won something. I was also hoping that i wld win the hp in the lucky draw but i didnt. Its my dream hp!!! Samsung SGH E700A!!! It went to a sec sch student.. BOOHOO!!! I want that phone SOOOOOO very much.. *sobz*

Caught LOTR 3 after the event ended. I can't rem how many times i cried during the show.. But it was nice.. =)

Penned on: 1/09/2004 01:27:00 pm

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Erm.. Tink i got over excited. Instead of eating lunch i went shopping and bought 3 bags.. $150. But duckegg is going to pay for part of it as my birthday present! Soo... i didn't spend alot rite?

Penned on: 1/07/2004 02:08:00 pm

Okie, i just gotta tell everyone! I need not do that complex backend thread anymore! YIPEE!! They are swopping that module for a marketing one. Happiness... Weeee!

Penned on: 1/07/2004 11:29:00 am

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

First day of school yesterday. But no sch for me! Went for Wireless Java Jam competition. And no, im NOT GOOD at java. Had sooooo many questions fr the judges made fr the various mobile phone brands and telcos..

"So, whats your business model?"
"Any charts to show the calorie intakes 4 the mth?"
"Can u enter a previous days calorie?"
"Can u enter 1.5 portion of an item?"
"Can u select a date instead of keying in?"
"Why doesn't everything show?"
"You should use a Motorola instead of Nokia.."
"blah blah blah...!!!"

They had a question every 2 mins during the 20 mins presentation! Goodness.. My friends and i were the only idiots in formal wear fr Ngee Ann.. Trust the teachers to ask us to be dressed formally when everyone else were in tees and some in micro minis!

U've prob heard it a thousand times.. But i need to get motivated for my project. I am still stuck after 3 weeks. Im so screwed. The project manager is alrdy coming after me. I hv 30 errors which i do not kw how to solve and my bible is not here today! Dead meat... Dead meat..

I hv so many things to do today..
+ Get my project working.
+ Get new bedding stuff fr aussino w dodomelodybird
+ Go sch for stupid meetings today
+ Submit event form
+ Find stupid teachers dat MIA for 2 mths!
+ Order my delias stuff!
+ Party @ Centro. (But i def cant go..)

Tomorrow isn't much better..
+ Cont with my proj since its prob not working still..
+ Go for appt at skincare centre at 8AM!! *grrr*
+ Report for work by 9AM!!!
+ blah blah blah..

Okie, it isnt that much. Im juz exagerrating.. Im just upset cos ive got a horrible outbreak! N i sincerely believe Sean Pang caused it! *curse curse*

One of my cousins contacted me yest.. We chat online last night for a while. Its been a long long while since both of us met up. In fact i dun tink we've ever met up since grandma died. I rem how i always had to wait for him to finish tuition since kindergarten b4 we cld play!! Gosh.. nv too late to catch up..

Ok, work.

Penned on: 1/06/2004 09:48:00 am

Sunday, January 04, 2004

testing testing 123.

Penned on: 1/04/2004 10:19:00 pm

Friday, January 02, 2004

+ NYE +
Met up with Huiyi 4 lunch who juz came back fr HK.. Ate SO much in Mos Burger. A meal plus mussels and prawns. Goodness.

Met up w Nic who just came back fr States in the late afternoon. Shopped for a little while, had coffee and bumped into Evone. Nic gave me some nice chocolate goodies! Bite size Kit Kats and Chocolate Jelly Beans! Weeeee!

Went off to Club Street to meet other friends in the evening.. Didnt do the countdown cos i was still at Teri's shop. Doesn't matter cos i dun really give a damn abt countdown. To me, it was just another day. What made the diff was spending it with pp i love and fantastic friends. As Christin said that night, "Friends Forever".

The night was fantastic minus my "2 Sean encounters". First Sean, my friend. Second Sean, some prank call bastard. Sean 1 really really irritated me. I had half a mind to kick him in his balls and ask him to fuck off.

Early this morning he called and asked "Wei~ working ah?" and blah blah blah.. Like DUH! As if once wasnt enough he called again in the afternoon. I wldnt even want to recollect the crap he said during these conversation. He called Teri's hp at 9.31pm and as usual talked crap like why he shld not leave his hse yet, how he is having a bad hair day and etc. I dun give a shit.

He called at least 4 times over the next 2 hours asking the same question: "How to get to Teri's workplace huh?"! I had to answer those shitty calls cos nobody else wanted to speak to him too.

While we were juz entering the club he told me Alefin and himself made an observation abt me. I asked what and he said can't tell me till the night is over. After that he kept asking me "U want to kw what we said rite? Haha.."! I said "If u wanna tell me just spit it out now, if not dun bother telling me."

After having enuf fun, he said "We think yr tummy is getting bigger and bigger. Haha.."! I explained it was the dress cos it was a non lycra loose dress. While in the club he kept standing next to me wherever i went. I was upset that Teri wasnt around and i was damn pissed with everything abt him alrdy.

While waiting for supper at 4.30am, Sean the fuck face had to repeat the tummy thing, said i blamed the dress and everyone laughed abt it of cos. I retorted that i do not need to justify my claims and more laughter followed. I was angry at him. Even if i had a bloody tummy its none of his fucking business! Did i mention that he tried to pinch my nose 5 times when i juz arrived at the table? I just scratched his hands whenever they came near me.

During supper, he had to tell us some of his cock and bull stories or boast abt how he is not going to sleep and has to drive his cousins hm fr Sentosa later and BLAH BLAH BLAH. For example, "Dunno who lor, abandon me during NYE last year to go flirting w girls when i was so drunk lor...". I said, "If ur dead drunk how the hell wld u kw he went flirting?"

Ever since i knew him, he has been telling us abt his fast driving, his fixed deposits and etc. But we have never ever seen his bloody car nor seen the $$$$!! He will be posted to some country for a year and im damn happy abt it.

+ NYD +
I woke up with a bloody pimple on my nose. Guess who might have caused it?

Sean Pang, SCREW U for the pimple and SCREW U AGAIN for everything!

Prank caller Sean called me twice today. Is it just me or are all guys by the name of Sean/Shawn irritating? This pc of crap called at the same time as yesterday, 5pm. I hung up on him and he called again. This time i told him i wld track the call and get the police involved etc. The chicken shit hung up before i finished my threats.

+ Today +
School starts on Mon. *groan* I cant even rem having fun & sch is starting. The bloody pimple is still hurting my nose. Im still cursing those 2 fucking Seans.

Reminder to myself: Get MP3 of Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes.

Penned on: 1/02/2004 10:25:00 am

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