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Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Happy Happy New Year to everyone!
May everyone stick to their New Year resolutions.. =P

Half day at work again today... Weee! But code review's coming up later.. I hope they forget abt it.. Bwahaha..

Oh, rem Xiaxue's blog? She has another blog, Xiaxue Hate blog. Even though i do not like her "pornographic" style of writing, i do tink she is funny.. Its pretti sad to hear she got flamed by pp.. Ah Bengs for that matter. Ha. But we all kw she can handle it..

I wanna watch a movie..
I wanna watch a movie..
I wanna watch a movie..

+ Mona Lisa Smile
+ School of Rock
+ LOTR *scream*

I want new clothes, shoes and bags!!

+ Abercrombie & Fitch
+ Hollister
+ Supre
+ pointy shoes
+ slip ins
+ kitten heels

I'm not her fan but im saddened by her death. She was a really versatile actress and i've enjoyed every single show of hers. I admire her fighting spirit. I will miss Anita Mui. 2003 is a bad year for HK celebrities. 3 deaths alrdy. I also liked Leslie Chung soooo much. His death tells u that being a celebrity is not all fun and glamour after all.

2004 will be a better year. Cheers.

Penned on: 12/31/2003 11:43:00 am

++ Happy Bird-day Theresa Annabelle Jody Lim ++

May u stay gorgeous & adorable 4eva! *muack*
PS: We have not got yr prez yet.. Bwahaha.. *dance*

Penned on: 12/31/2003 11:13:00 am

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Went to sch yest for Java Jam stuff. Wld rather go to office instead cos it was a real waste of time. Oh well.. Bygones.

Drove around for about 1.5 hour yesterday. Nice. OH! N i got my photocard licence alrdy! Yipee! I tink i look fantabulous... =P! Bwahaha..

Im keeping my fingers crossed but i tink i got caught by the red light camera yest. I tink not. I hope not.. *cross fingers and thumbs* I was alrdy at the line when the amber light went off.. Impossible for me to stop. Anyway pp told me that its really obvious if yr pic was taken.. Wat i saw was just a reflection of light i tink n i wasnt even looking at the correct camera.. -_-"

Nicholas is back fr US! Yipee! Immediately felt happier when i heard his voice.. He has this infectious happiness bug in him. =)! Shld meet up with him and the rest soon.

I hv no more social life. The last friends i met were my bestest friends on xmas eve. Prior to that... no one else for abt 1 mth. *gosh* N i miss Teri.. SoOOo long since i met up w her.. I wld def try my best to meet u on NYE or NYD okie? Hope ur no longer having the blocked nose..

Cow was so nice.. She knew i wanted the Levis 593 and actually msged me all the way fr Thailand cos she saw it there! *hugz*

Still having diarrhoea. Doc gave me Smecta which tastes like a combination of milk & melted plastic... N is diarrhoea spelt "diarrhoea" or "diarrhea"? I need to find out cos its irritating me.. Tink its the US vs UK english thingy...

Had a pretti long weekend but didn't do much stuff except cleaning up my room. I tink none of u wld see the diff between before and after cleaning up.. Y? Cos i dun either.. Bwahaha.. Just did some vacuuming and threw away some lingerie and clothes. Its weird but i dun seem to see a diff in the amt of clothes i have after dumping 2 paperbags worth of clothes. Yet i cant seem to find clothes to wear! (-_-?)

OK! No more yakking. I need to work on my codes.. Having a code review later.. I tink my supervisor will faint when he realises i only hv 80 lines of codes after 2 weeks!

Penned on: 12/30/2003 10:02:00 am

Friday, December 26, 2003

Im obviously not very hardworking today. Cant concentrate. Was blog-surfing and found the blog of this SP girl by the name of Xia Xue. A little advice: Check yr entries for GLARING spelling errors esp if u like writing or shld i say showing off fancy english(e.g. "Im died" instead of "Im dead"). Nonetheless, she is funny to a certain extent.

My personal fav is Mr Brown. He rocks! N as expected he dissed Xia Xue's blog.. Ha.

5 more minutes b4 the aircon vent goes off. 5 more minutes to freedom.
Make that 4 more minutes. *evil snigger*

Penned on: 12/26/2003 05:22:00 pm

OK. She's REALLY REALLY freaking pissed.


Penned on: 12/26/2003 09:37:00 am

Didnt do most of the stuff that i wanted to do. Didnt do much work cos i had no mood. Didnt visit fairy godfather cos he had plans alrdy.. Sorry i didnt inform u squid! Didn't surprise that someone but made her angry. Again. Dun dare to call her cos she is very irritated w me. All her replies came w a "whatever la". I hope she gets over it soon cos i really didnt mean it and was really sincere abt meeting her.. =(

Christmas 2004 sucks. N it doesnt help having diarrhoea for 2 weeks running. Everything sucks. *Grrr*

Penned on: 12/26/2003 09:27:00 am

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

MeRrY ChRiStMaS eVeRyOnE ! !

Im feeling exceptionally chirpy & happy today even though i got off to a bad start.. Well, it wasnt that bad, i juz smudged my mascara while applying it in a hurry tis morning. =X

Today is a fantastic day! Half day at work, lunch with bestest friends at dodomelodybird's not-so-new-since-she-moved-in-for-quite-some-time-house, gonna surprise my fairy godfather at his workplace today, gonna surprise someone else if possible and a friend is proposing to his long time gf! Okie.. it doesn't really concern me but i feel excited for him.. Haha..

Anyway, hope im determined enough to stay hm on Xmas & try figuring out how to do my project.. If not im so dead.. Cheerios!

Penned on: 12/24/2003 10:07:00 am

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Im a busy little bee.. Lalalala! Watched Matilda last night.. So damn cool! I wished i had such powers.. I tink everyone who had a childhood would relate to the show cos everyone of us wld have hated a teacher or an adult at some point. Agatha is the perfect example but a little too exagerrated of cos.. Overall, still fantastic!

If any of you remembered the strong willed fish, here's some news. Bad news: it died the day before. Good news: it no longer has to suffer. Somehow it was glowing on the day it died. I was wondering what happened to it thus i went over for a closer look. Its fins were no longer struggling and it floated at its usual corner. Motionless. I cldn't help but cry cos i felt so sorry for it. But i am relieved that it doesn't need to fight for dear life anymore.

I have to agree with Nichola's father abt the cruelty of having pets. U may claim that u love them alot. But u wld nv kw whats going thru their little minds.. Maybe its acting coy in front of u just to get food for survival. Maybe it misses its family. Maybe it craves freedom. maybe it hated u. But u wld nv kw. But i kw for a fact that i will nv hv pets again even though i really want a puppy. Cos i dun tink i will be able to get over its death nor get thru the rollercoaster ride of emotions when it hurts or dies. I dun believe in God, angels etc. But i do hope that if such things really exist, the survivor fish will go to a better place. Im sure it will.

Penned on: 12/23/2003 10:09:00 am

Monday, December 22, 2003

Which Guilty Gear X character are you?

Penned on: 12/22/2003 09:34:00 am

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Guess wat? The bastard has a new P4 Acer laptop with Centrino and XP. Why wld a Sec 2 student need a laptop for? I hv no freaking idea. Not forgetting the fact that there are 2 desktops in the house alrdy. This is excluding the desktop in my room and my lappy since no one has access to them. He claims that he bought it with his $500 scholarship and the rest is topped up by the bitch as his bdae prez. HA! The biggest scrooge i've ever known was willing to pay at least $1500 for the laptop which the bastard will only use to play games with? Fantastic.

Why shld she ever complain abt my meagre allowance and the clothes that i buy since the value of the bastard's new toy way surpasses everything i bought? Well, except my lappy and the LV bag of cos. But i paid for all these with my own $$$ so she can shut the hell up. In case pp think im jealous of him or whatever.. Let me list down how much expensive not to mention excessive stuff he claimed he bought with HIS OWN SAVINGS.

1. Playstation 1 (slim one)
2. Playstation 2
3. Hundreds of playstation games
4. First generation gameboy
5. Slim gameboy x 4
6. Gameboy Advance
7. Tons of gameboy cartridges
8. Stun Bicycle
9. Normal Bicycle
10. Roller Blades
11. Desktop Computer
12. Laptop (lastest addition)

These are the very visible expensive stuff that this sec 2 bastard bought with his allowance or claimed that the bitch partially paid for. Pls also note that he has a weekly allowance of $25.

I didn't even dare to ask my dad to pay for my laptop even though it was for COMPULSORY for SCHOOL USE. I'm not jealous. I just dun like being blamed for stuff that im not guilty of. I DO NOT SPEND ALL THE MONEY, DO NOT GET ALL THE BEST STUFF and DID NOT MAKE MY SISTER STUPID.

I've made a great mistake in life and learnt my lesson the hard way. But I can buy all the Guccis, Manolos and Pradas that i want cos i earned it. Ain't nobody telling me how im gonna spend my money or lead my life.

Penned on: 12/17/2003 02:18:00 pm

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

I was wearing my jeans today and saw the little red bug on the stem fr Teri years ago. Suddenly, i was reminded of the first time we first met and had went out. Early in the morning at beautiful One Fullerton! I walked in with PKL and Dong Cheng and was greeted by a resounding "Good Morning". That was Teri.

After that meeting, i would get lots of "nuisance" calls fr her in office.

*chirpy* "Good Morning, GLoria Jeans.."
*indian accent* "eh lo? Is this Glolia Jean?"
*puzzled* "Yes, can i help you?"
*still with indian accent* "eh, i am calling fr the Glolia Jean at the One Fullertoon!"
* My expression after that ---> (-_-") *

First outing with her.. Dinner at Suntec City's Olio Dome. I tink i ate something lamb something... N thats where she gave me the bug on a stem and a mug which she got fr a recent trip into Malaysia i tink. It was so sweet of her to give me something even though we had not known other for long..

That dinner was a little awkward since we didn't really kw each other.. But now? HA! We curse, scream, jump, laugh and disturb each other! Its interesting to note the things we have in common esp FOOD! Haha.. She dotes on me cos i always get fantastic dinner treats and little prezzies fr her every now and then! We had sooo many great times together... Even though we dun meet up as often as before due to time constraints, she is still my favourite hammie! =)

Penned on: 12/16/2003 09:50:00 am

Friday, December 12, 2003

Keni's truth:

Believe it or not, I didn't start jerking off at 12. I had a late development. But I did sleep with this girl and I do remember her name, but I don't have her contact number. Or have I seen her ever since.

Penned on: 12/12/2003 02:33:00 pm

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Okie, dotter cant seem to post her 2 Lies and A Truth. So i'll do it for her:

Estella said:
1. I slept with a sex bomb who was my cousin's uncle’s wife’s son’s dog’s owner’s mother’s husband’s nephew’s cousin.
2: I get extremely high while farting and urinating into my bath tub.
3. I am 8, I love Jamie and when I grow up I will marry her.

IMO, i tink the correct answer is 2! She cant marry me cos im her mom & i totally can't be bothered to figure out 1! Ahaha.. So my ans is 2! =P

Penned on: 12/11/2003 02:26:00 pm

Part 2 of Two Lies And A Truth
Nows its time to tell the truth abt your statements!

The truth is I've nv taken drugs but i've seen my friends taking it at a sleazy geylang hotel. It was on 9 Dec 1998, that friend's birthday. One of the guys had tattoos over his whole body and guess what? He was a college student in Hwa Chong Junior College. They didn't ask me to take any and in fact asked me nv to try. But still, i freaked out and made excuses to go hm. She kept calling me and wanted me to go back there. But i said i was grounded. I've never met her since.

I made out at ECP in front of all my classmates! Hurhur! Yeah right! Like i would do that. Excitment is good but i do not like exposing myself and drawing such attention. Go get a room! Bathtub of a Ritz Carlton suite wld be gd..! =X

I did spent $2000+ for a bag. I blew a few mths worth of salary on it! It was a Louis Vuitton Montsouris backpack. I didn't know what came over me but it was probably to spite the thousands of Ah Lians on the streets and in sch. They were carrying gaudy spin-offs or small miserable pcs of LV stuff but acted as if they were so damn rich and high class. Stupid move but who cares. LVs never go out of fashion! Should hv the Mini Josephine instead though..

Personally, i tink Jeric never slept with any of his gfs! But then again, its possible that he ate his own poopoo when he was really young.. Hmm..

Dodo DEFINITELY flashed her boobs to a zillion kids and the cheekopek coaches while swimming cos she always do such xia-suay (embarrassing) stuff!

Squid is definitely not a lesbo cos she is a freaking BI!

How can you be a B cup Lyn??! Although the other 2 seems highly impossible esp when she adores makeup, i believe she can go clubbing without makeup.

Elina is not a virgin!! Cos if u made out with someone be it a butch or a guy ur not a virgin anymore aint it? Pls dun tell me u swam nude when ur a toddler.. -_-"! I wld slap yr head! Haha..

Keni definitely started masturbating at 12! He is a sicko! Eek! Im sure he did not do (2) cos i always believed he is a nice guy that respects ladies. Right?!!

Ahaha.. Mr Vince definitely likes suntanning in the buff cos he does the most shocking stuff! Its impossible to hv ONS and still be a virgin so (1) and (3) cancells each other out.

So whats your truth? Enlighten us all quickly!

Penned on: 12/11/2003 02:06:00 pm

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Jeric said:
1. I used to be part time transvestite at Changi until I was too developed to continue.
2. I tasted my own poo poo one day in the washroom.
3. I never slept with my girlfriends but im not a virgin.

Dodomelodybird said:
1. My aunt chased her son with a chopper bcoz of me.
2. i used 7 different shampoos for each day of the week.
3. i flashed one of my boobs to a zillion kids and their coaches while swimming.

Squid said:
1. I masturbated for a stranger wen i was 15.
2. I had a hot nigerian footballer boyfriend wen i was 16.
3. i am not a lesbian.

Lyn said:
1. I wear B cup!
2. I can go clubbing without make-up on.
3. I used to be a lesbian.

Elina said:
1. I make out with a butch when i was 15.
2. I am not a virgin.
3. I swam nude.

Keni said:
1. I'm a closet Hello Kitty fan.
2. I slept with a girl and I don't remember her name.
3. I started masturbating when I was 12.

Vince said:
1. I ONS (One night Stand).
2. i like sun tanning in nude.
3. i'm a virgin.

I said:
1. I spent $2000 on a bag when i was 16.
2. I've taken heroin at a sleazy geylang hotel when im 17.
3. I made out at East Coast Park's beach during a class bbq when i was 15.

Penned on: 12/10/2003 03:08:00 pm

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Freezing in office now. Talked to Roger earlier in the day.. Said he found the blog in google. Went to Esplanade this morning for a demo of the system & didn't meet SueLynn as i hoped. Saw lotsa kids there though.. Only realised y when i left the building. They are having some Hi-5 Party there. Didn't know they were so HOT.. Speaking of hot.. Even though i guessed the winners of "Are You Hot?" last night, i was shocked that the black girl was in the final 2. She is so not hot... Oh well, its their choice.

Two Lies & A Truth
Saw this game in another blog. Kinda fun. Lets play!

Here's how it works: you write 3 statements abt yourself, but only one of them is true. Make up the other two.... [keep which one that is really true to yourself!!] Try to make the statements interesting/shocking/scandalous... otherwise you will ruin the game. Try not to make statements like what you had for lunch or what your age is.. Here's mine:

1. I spent $2000 on a bag when i was 16.
2. I've taken heroin at a sleazy geylang hotel when im 17.
3. I made out at East Coast Park's beach during a class bbq when i was 15.

Okie, now go the the tagboard & leave yr own "Two Lies and a Truth"! Do it quick and get your friends to come and play! =P!

Penned on: 12/09/2003 03:29:00 pm

Monday, December 08, 2003

How small can the world be? A colleague actually found my blog. Hv i said anything bad abt the co? Dun tink so. Dun care either since everything i said is my heartfelt feelings though they are more of whining than anything else. Ha..

Had a really busy weekend. Attended lots of birthday meals with friends. But i was happi cos i bought alot of great things for myself and got many nice stuff from them!


:: 051203 ::

0900 :: Seafood dinner in JB with my schmates. 2 cars of friends + 1 car of enemies. Stupid orange bastard came as well. We were all really shocked when they were asked to pulled up one side at MAL immigrations cause they did not fill up or even bring the embarkation cards. N they ordered fried rice instead of seafood for dinner after driving so far.

:: 061203 ::

0400 :: Fell asleep on our way back fr JB. Conked out immediately when i got hm.

0900 :: Breakfast at Windows on Club Street w Edwin.
1100 :: Coffee w Douglas at Windows as well.
1200 :: Sim Lim Square w Doug to get my digicam.
1400 :: Lunch at Seah Street Deli at Raffles Hotel.
1700 :: Back at Club Street. Waiting for Teri to knock off. Tried ox tongue. BLEAH!
2030 :: Fresh n delicious dinner at Sushi Tei w cute mashmallow ice cream. So yummy!
2300 :: Chinablack. Was too tired to even dance. Became a bar flower. Hur!
0330 :: Supper at Tiong Bahru. Alrdy half asleep...
0500 :: Back to my bed & time to get some winks!

:: 071203 ::

1530 :: Woken up by a call. Missed my meeting w Godmum in morning n lunch w her.
1900 :: Dinner at Fish & Co @ The Glass House w bestest friends. Seafood Platter galore! Weeee...
2200 :: Karaoke at Party World KTV. Cant sing most songs since i hv minimal knowledge of Chinese songs but still had great fun. Shall go again w my bestest friends soon!
1400 :: I need sleep. Work tmr at 9am.


The best material thing i got for my bdae was my digicam, Nikon CoolPix 3100. I really really love it! The only drawback is the lack of audio recording. Other than that its perfect!

The best non-material thing was an sms fr Daddy. In the exact same words:
"Hi my big birthday girl, #WISH U A HAPPY BIRD....... DAY!# Hehe.. from yr old papa"
Its was totally unexpected. I didn't tink he remembered. But he did. Its just a simple sms but it warmed my heart & brought tears to my eye. Words can't explain how happi i am. But at the same time, i feel ashame of myself cos i haven't really spent much time w him. We drifted apart even since i was in sec sch. He became an enemy when he caned me till i bled in 97.

I hv more to say but i can't cos i will start crying. Material gifts are great but nothing compares to this little note fr Dad. I resolve to spend more time n show more concern to him. It's nv too late to get back the happi days we once had.

Penned on: 12/08/2003 10:57:00 am

Friday, December 05, 2003

I HATE peak hour commuters. I hate "pole dancers". I hate "tofu eaters".

Pole dancers - Pp that hog the metal pole during peak hours by leaning on it.
Tofu eaters - Pp that stand so close & brush against u ever so often.

I totally do not understand y pp hv to lie on the skinny little pole when there are tons of pp trying to balance themselves in the squeezy mrt. As if having tt pole all to themselves isnt enuf, these pp lie on your hands or body as well if ur standing near enuf.

Tofu eaters. Make use of the crowd to get really close to girls. The stupid bastard standing in front of me on the mrt this morning was almost lying on me! He was so close that i cld hear him breath! There wasn't any space for me to move. Wats wrong with this idiot? Can't he just stand straight??! The lady next to me noticed n made some space for me to move. He is lucky i was in a really good mood n tolerated this shit.

Last week a stupid indian did this to me too. This time i was standing in front of the guy. He was so close too. I cld feel his stupid tummy, thigh n i dunno wat else! I kept moving forward when i realised he is so close but he juz keeps moving forward too. Asshole.

Some men are just pure losers. U wanna get fresh with a lady? Go get a hotel room in geylang or a bloody life size sex toy. Our bodies are for respecting not for yr cheap thrills.

Penned on: 12/05/2003 03:16:00 pm

Thursday, December 04, 2003

I didn't feel like eating lunch so i thot i'll get some chocolates to munch. I ended up spending $200 on lingerie. Im so dead.

Penned on: 12/04/2003 02:26:00 pm

Went out w sweet lil sekuido last night. Very nice of her to accompany me to buy shoes n dress! *hugz* Met Lyn Png Wen Mei in Citilink. We went into VNC n i noticed a girl in purple. Told squid dat she is won some model competition.. So we went out of the shop to try n check her out from the shop window while she browsed at shoes.

Squid: "Wah! So fat also can be model ah?"
Purple girl turns around...
Squid: "OMIGOD!"
Squid ran in hug her n chatted happily..

Turns out that this FAT GIRL was her friend n regular customer at her previous workplace! 0_o *DANG* Toopid squid was so embarrassed n we were laughing our heads off!

Got my exam results. I've got 3 STUPID C+! Arrgh! Expected a C+ for PWA... But WISP & DPM!!! I thot i wld hv at least got a B. Did so much work for WISP but still got a lousy C+!!!Bloody black woman gave me a C+!!!! All my other subjects were pretti gd.. But they pale in comparison to the 3 GLARING C+!!!

On a brighter note.. I've got a new gadget! The Creative Muvo NX!! Its so darn cool! Absolutely lurrvveee it!

Gotta g oread up and work on JavadocTM for my mini project. Didnt realise there is so much to do for one java application/project. Adieus... =)

Penned on: 12/04/2003 10:32:00 am

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Finished my presentation an hour ago. I thot my application was very pretti n nice. At least i got "wah" when i flashed my page. Hurhur~

Im gonna be a very happi girl this weekend. Getting some fantastic stuff fr fantastic pp! I need to work on the Prom. We haven't even decided on a venue. Its gonna be so tough since i won't hv much time to work on it when my actual FYP project comes in later this week. If u got any fantastic ideas fund raising or the theme, pls email or drop me a note! ;)

Currently rotting in the office while the whole project team is having a meeting. I was late for work today. Got my friend to inform the supervisor that i'll be late. When i arrived, my supervisor wasn't here yet. -_-"

N i still cant find the heels that i want! My little toes hurt from all the walking n searching last night.

I had 2 weird dreams. I forgot the first but the second one was bad! I dreamt that my siblings were using my email account to deal with drug dealers. But someone found out abt it n they made me the scapegoat.. Well, it didn't scare me but i juz found it weird.

still rotting...

Tink im gonna raid the fridge.

Penned on: 12/03/2003 12:02:00 pm

Monday, December 01, 2003

If u guys hv read my profile in Friendster, u wld know that i hate this particular person fr my sec sch & college. Guess who i found in Friendster over the weekend? *Grinz* Introducing Yingyi the whore.

Some of u may tink im being too much by calling her a whore. U know what? I dun give a damn what u tink. Not at all considering the slanderous remarks she made abt me in college. Labelling her a whore is alrdy an act of kindness on my part. Here's what she told pp:

+ I'm loose.
+ I got together w my ex-bf to get popularity & status. **
+ I ditched him once i've got no use for him since i left sec sch.

**How wld i get popularity & status as she claimed? Well, my ex-bf was very popular in sec sch bcos he was on the sch basketball team. He had a really sweet mouth and everyone fr girls to the principal liked him. But most guys tink he is a flirt. ANYWAY, bcos of his popularity i was pretti prominent in sch just cos im his girl. **

For the record, he asked me to be his gf and not vice versa. I loved him dearly but left him bcos of differences. N how the hell wld she know im loose? She wldn't cos i dun farking sleep ard.

Can u imagine the kind of looks i get fr pp that heard abt this? N i know for a fact she said all these stuff bcos tis stupid whore had to tell it to one of my bestest friends at a sleepover. My friend didn't even dare to tell me the details n just asked me to forget abt it.

I'm still farking pissed abt this. This is one of the worst slander a lady can get. Maybe she was the one who started the rumour abt me working in Hooters as well! I've kept quiet in college for my friend's sake. But pray that i nv meet that dumb whore cos i've nv gotten over it. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Penned on: 12/01/2003 04:50:00 pm

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