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Friday, November 28, 2003

Its been 8 days since i blogged. Been busy with my mini project which was due today. But they've extended the deadline to Mon since most of us haven't finished it. And you know what's the greatest thing? The 4 of us hv to present our work to the whole project team. Not many pp in the team! Just abt 14 experienced developers, web designers and IT professionals. How to present? Oh, just in the conference room using the projector. What's our project? A web application which ive spent 8 days on with only 40% done so far.. By the way, a colleague passed by my table, saw my requirements and asked, "Oh, you guys are doing tutorial ah?"

Anyway, something for you guys to laugh abt. My dear friend Ben-the-ass-&-self-proclaimed-director made a little movie clip about me. I kinda like it even though i still tink he's an ass. =)

Dodomelodybird juz forced me to hv a new resolution. I've gotta learn swimming by the end of Dec 2003. Yes, i can't swim. Laugh yr hearts out. But at least im gorgeous. Well, at least i tink i am. Haha..

Rite. Back to work. Still gotta work on my search, delete, CSS and do error checking. Oh, my new name is jamie pokimoni. ;)

Penned on: 11/28/2003 05:33:00 pm

Thursday, November 20, 2003

11 more mins to the meeting ive been waiting for the whole week. I'm finally getting some work to do. I no longer need to wander aimlessly on the net. Right. Y do i foresee myself complaining to u by tmr? I'm fickle minded. Then again, which girl isn't?

The Ladies in my office will never run of of toilet paper. Wanna know why? Apparently 4 different people clean the double cubicle restrooms at different times of the day. So, i get NEW toilet rolls to use 4 times daily. If only the cleaners in our sch is so hardworking. Then again, is it necessary to clean the restrooms and change the rolls so often?! I tink they've got nothing to do like me.

6 more mins..

Oh, met up with lotsa CS peeps last evening. Had lots of great laugh even though im the joke! We ate SO much food! Yucks! N i felt real sick at one point. I tink its the caffeine. I had coffee in the morning, tea the whole day, coffee at CBTL and 2 cans of Coke Light.

2 more mins..

Suddenly feeling sleepy. Drats. Going for meeting. Bye.

Penned on: 11/20/2003 03:31:00 pm

Yesterday had to be bad service day! I got conned by that bird brain malay auntie at the food court, an expressionless cashier at Coffee Bean, got snubbed and ignored at Esprit@Liat Towers & jittery nervous cashier at KFC. I wrote an email to complain about esprit MICHELLE's extremely bad service.

I dun understand what's wrong with these pp. If u dun like to serve pp, dun work in the freaking service industry! Since ur in it, make the best out of it. Try to excel in what u do instead of lamenting what u CLD hv been. The thing is YOU'RE STUCK WITH THIS JOB SO MAKE THE BEST OUT OF IT FOR GOD'S SAKE!

You know what's the worst thing that happened? I realised derick and collin is not coming to this co. Sch has frozen all FYP arrangements. My sadness knows no bound. Aargh! I need a Coke Light.

Penned on: 11/20/2003 10:19:00 am

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I wanna COMPLAIN! Nv ever gonna eat fr that bloody Catrina or Carine Nasi Padang store in Raffles City food court! That bird brain auntie charged me $7.00 for my Nasi Briyani bcos i chose my own ingredients instead of those in their usual set! I pray that she falls down in the kitchen later or drop a pot of curry on her kuku head!

Penned on: 11/19/2003 02:12:00 pm

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Fantastic breakfast! My Moshi Mushroom was just out of the oven! N its now in my pooh bear replica tummy! Hurhur~! Its contradictary but my eyes are half open as i sip my coffee..

Finished installing all the major software needed for my FYP. It took me the whole of yesterday. According to my full time colleagues, its actually a first that all the programs got installed so quicky and without a hitch. Oh well, the progs juz luvs me! *grin* N im a big showoff cos i kept laughing at my friends who hv not even installed half of the required progs! *evil snigger*

Had a 3 hr meeting yesterday n was asked to introduce myself. Y wasn't i surprised when pp started laughing when i said i like shopping? I was a little irritated cos i view shopping as a very sacred hobby of mine. Oh well, they wldn't understand unless they're bimbos like me... =P

Found out that all of us hv to do a ice-breaker-mini-project to be completed by 28 Nov. I tink this is the criteria for us to be able to stay here cos my company requires us to undergo a 1 mth probation. I can do it. No sweat. Yeah rite.

Watched Ong Bak last evening. it is a fantastic show! Pls go and watch it if u can esp if ur a martial arts or fighting movie lover. The lead is so much better than jacky chan, jet li and etc! He is so gonna be the next big thing for martial arts movie! All the fighting sequence will leave u breathless! I swear!


I wanted to do this earlier but i had no time. Well its never too late rite? Its not very exp but i hope u like the present n had a great birthday! MAy everything turn out great for ya! *Muacks*

Penned on: 11/18/2003 09:50:00 am

Friday, November 14, 2003

Psst! Im a sneaky little employee.. Hurhur! Surfing net when im supposed to be doing practicals on SOP4 at my FYP co. U hv no idea how boring it is! These peeps r out to kill me! They make me stare, study, absorb codings and eeky stuff from 9-6pm for the 2nd day alrdy! Like i told Jodyrella, they are making my previously big and empty brain overflowing with information! N i cant eat properly cos my colleagues (FYP team mates) are all males that eat super fast! Bcos i dunno them, i feel bad making them wait for me to eat at my usual pace... So i literally gobbled my food and saved time by not talking and drinking water! Can u believe that i actually finished my plate of noodle within 12 mins yesterday!?! Im being tortured!! Today, we only had a half hour lunch break cos the practical ate into my precious lunchtime!! My only solace is the free Coke Light's i can drink anytime i want.

Right now, the whole class is busy doing Lab 5 and 6. Me? Ive finished my work. Ha! Dun understand y some of them take so long when they are current staff of Ecquaria and professional programmers from the industry. Maybe its bcos they are bz enhancing their prog whereas i cant be bothered. They r gonna delete all our work fr the server when its over anyway.. So y waste time! Ha! I will leave as soon as the class is finished! Cos its the freaking weekend~! Got to go.. Someone's doing spywork... Over and out!

Penned on: 11/14/2003 03:28:00 pm

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Exams are over and i tink im gonna do really bad for PWA and IC. Damn. Gotta start work at my FYP co on Thurs! Aargh! Hate it cos its so stressful working there! Every pc of code i type will be accessed by 300,000++ peeps all over SIN! I dun even know if i can type anything even if i want to..

Got dissed by the Director for being 20 mins late for the meeting yest. As i walked along the corridor after the meeting, teachers that know me were going "Horr.. Late huh! Die ah u!". Apparently the whole world knows that im late for a meeting with da DIRECTOR.

2 cool things about the company is the pantry and pool table. We could eat or drink anything in the pantry. They have supplies of pkt drinks, biscuits and cup noodles for us! Ha... The pool table is one great draw! But it can only be used during lunch or after work. Makes sense.

Events List till 161103
+ Go for Java Jam training tmr.
+ Format my lappy.
+ Bleach my hair b4 sun.
+ 8.20am NSC appointment on Thurs.
+ 9am report for training on thurs & fri at Ecquaria.

Penned on: 11/11/2003 07:51:00 am

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