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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

- During Pricing class -

Prof: What are some pricing metrics that can be used for taxis?
J: Age. The older people more smelly so pay more.
N: By size and weight.

I swear that such idiots always leave me gasping in contempt. Tsk.

Penned on: 2/13/2007 12:42:00 pm

Thursday, January 11, 2007

jamie i got bad news


alvan says recommend the secretary job to u BECOS:
-alvan- says:
1. good looking
-alvan- says:
2. got degree(perceived ability)
-alvan- says:
3. big breast
-alvan- says:
4. can dress well
-alvan- says:
5. like married men
-alvan- says:
best sercetary award goes to her lah
pls kill him

My feelings? T_T

Penned on: 1/11/2007 11:40:00 am

Thursday, November 23, 2006

After being cooped up in a little room for many many hours, Seng Song suggested a round robin arm wrestle among the girls. Somehow we did and I ended up with imprints of xiaohui's fingers during the final match.. The funniest was my match with xtina. Seng Song said "GO" but moments later everyone was asking us to "eh! faster start leh!". Xtina & myself went (-_-") and said "we alrdy started laaaa~"!!

AND THEN, I can't rem who started it.. But we decided to have a WALKING BACKWARDS RELAY at the corridor of Business Block at about 1am!

Results? Dirty soles, much laughter and a warning from the security guard who claimed that he could hear us at Level 5. =X

The MVP was Seng Song aka momo monster. Besides being Singapore's fastest sprinter, he can walk backwards damn freaking fast as well lah! Then Frank decided to google our names and he found Seng Song on our favourite wikipedia! Wahaha! Damn funny. But they also found my ah lian looking picture from ICT. T_T

Project? What project? Hahaa!! =X
Love love.

Penned on: 11/23/2006 08:34:00 pm

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Every time I walk down that path, that familiar feeling of loneliness creeps up on me.
And when it rains, the heart aches and reminds me of the storm within myself.

What am I waiting for?
I wish I knew.

Penned on: 11/21/2006 03:56:00 pm

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Which is worse:

To have some guy say you're hot, plaster your horrible age and then announce you're not that hot after meeting u.


Him knowing u read it n felt T_T and then announce at that same place asking u not to be sad bcos of what he wrote and saying he still thinks you're hot.

It is definitely the latter.
I just feel like dying right now.. *faint*

Penned on: 11/07/2006 07:33:00 pm

Thursday, November 02, 2006

School term is ending soon.. Is it me or does time fly by faster as you get older? *sigh*

Especially elated when I got back my corp comm individual assg grade. It was unexpected.. But made me really happy because its a first. =)

Tonight, hot day with HsuperShopper at Marmalade Pantry. *yum* Last indulgence before I attempt to diet. Why? Cause i gained 3 freaking kg! Stupid Ben & Jerry's.

OH! Phantom of the Opera is hereeeeee! Its finally hereeeee! No need to fly to Broadway~ Lalala! Who else wanna watch? =)

Penned on: 11/02/2006 05:31:00 pm

Monday, October 23, 2006

I'm tired. Really am.

Penned on: 10/23/2006 02:36:00 am

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